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Fastest horses in the world

Fastest horses in the world

Fastest horses in the world

There are many types of horses around the world that vary and their external and internal characteristics differ in terms of physical structure, general health, size and types of suitable uses for them, and there is a close relationship between the types of horses around the world and the human who crossed many of them, which contributed to the emergence of types the new strains of horses that grewwhich different types atpresent time somethem fall inlistmost expensive species, and someother species categoryfastest of horses inworld.

Fastest horses in the world

Read : Tall horse breeds

With the love of many people in horse races and their competitions, whether at the level of races or displaying aesthetic specifications, horse breeding is witnessing a great spread worldwide, especially as these competitions generate huge sums of money, whether for the participants or breeders.

And if you are a fan of horse breeding and paying attention to the details of its competitions and races, here are the most expensive, fastest and best  types of horses around the world :

The Thoroughbred

Yeah. The Thoroughbred is slower than the Quarter Horse but still climbs to first place. But it's for a good reason! Indeed, the Thoroughbred is officially the fastest horse according to the Guinness Book of Records. He is capable of sprinting at almost 71 km / h . It is a racing machine shaped for generations to combine speed, intelligence and endurance!

The only criterion that determines whether a horse is Thoroughbred or not is pedigree. All the horses are traced back to the three founding stallions of the breed: Darley Arabian , Byerley Turk and Godolphin Barb . The Thoroughbred is an explosive cocktail of the best of these three iconic horses. He excels in all disciplines that include speed : horse racing, show jumping, barrel racing, etc.

The size of Thoroughbreds varies between 1.60 m and 1.70 m at the withers. Although this is not a determining criterion for entering the stud book , size is important in the Thoroughbred because it greatly determines its value. Moreover, some Thoroughbreds have already come close to 2 meters at the withers ! Other than that, the Thoroughbred is an intelligent and daring horse , sometimes impulsive which requires the expertise of a confirmed rider to control it effectively!

Fastest horses in the world

The Quarter Horse

We continue with second place and the American Quarter Horse. First of all, the Quarter Horse could very well be the first of this top . Indeed, it is capable of reaching a speed of 88 km / h over 400 meters. It is more than enough to defeat number one, but he is not tough and consistent enough. As a result, the Guinness Book of Records does not officially consider him to be the fastest horse in the world!

It seems that endurance and regularity are two criteria taken into account in determining which horse will be the fastest. But it does not matter. Although he is not a racetrack ace, he remains very effective in explosive sports like barrel racing and western riding in general. It is also among cowboys that he is most popular thanks to his calm and determined character which makes him a great working companion on the ranch.

In terms of his physique, the Quarter Horse is of average size, between 1.50 m and 1.60 m at the withers and can weigh up to 550 kg. Quarter Horses can have any coat as long as they are united, but most of them are chestnut or brown. They are known for their small head with sometimes concave muzzle, large keen eyes and small ears. The Quarter Horse is a little the quiet force of this top, capable of great explosiveness while having a calm and pleasant character!

The Standardbred

Go! We've reached the podium and it's time to talk to you about Standardbred. What you need to know about this one is that it is much less well known than the other horses of this top. Yet it is surprisingly fast. In particular, he inherited the solid shoulders and hindquarters of the Thoroughbred which give him a boost of power and speed!

These are not the only things he inherited from the Thoroughbred. Indeed, he is also very talented in equestrian sports. We know him above all for his qualities in harness racing , but he also knows how to perform in show jumping and amateur barrel racing . It owes this ability to compete everywhere thanks to its ease of learning. Although he is able to run very fast, he has a calm and friendly nature which makes him a great choice for amateur riders!

The Appaloosa

Get out a cowboy hat , a gun, and a little ear of wheat to put in your mouth as we're heading to the American West. Indeed, it is time to meet the Appaloosa. Basically, they are Mustang horses selected and bred by the Nez Perce tribe in North America . He is particularly known for his spotted dress which has become his trademark!

But that's not why he is in this top. In addition to being magnificent, the Appaloosa knows how to be fast, being able to sprint up to 66 km / h . This speed, coupled with great strength of character, allowed him to shine on the battlefield and on the hunt. Eh yes ! It is in these two areas that the Appaloosa has been most useful. Moreover, the lost battles on the Amerindian side failed to make it disappear. Today, its workforce is strictly controlled.


We continue this top with a horse which is not very far from our famous Akhal-Teke. Indeed, the Arab is also one of those horses who were forged the hard way , in an arid and hostile desert where survival is the key word. He is very tough and knows how to be quick when he needs it. We don't really know where he comes from, but everything suggests that he set foot in the lands of Mesopotamia 4,500 years ago.

During its history, it developed greatly with the Bedouin populations who needed a sturdy and resistant horse to traverse the desert. Although he is very fast, speed is not his main quality. He is rather known to be a monster in endurance . Moreover, three quarters of the participants in this discipline are Arabian horses.

What is amazing about the Arabian horse is that he is quite maneuverable despite his warm blood. He is also very intelligent. In terms of its speed, it is capable of approaching 64 km / h in a sprint . It is even said that an Arab has already exceeded 85 km / h, but nothing is founded. He is one of the few horses that can be recognized at a glance with his concave muzzle and his tail set high!


Let's get down to business with the Akhal-Teke. Eh yes. Although this little pearl with golden reflections is very fast, it is more often referred to as one of the most beautiful horses in the world or one of the oldest . Make no mistake, it is indeed very fast, being able to reach a speed of 58 km / h in a sprint ... Not bad, right?

Akhal-Teke has been evolving for millennia in the Karakum Desert, a very hostile environment that forged it. Fast, lively and enduring, it is built for survival in difficult conditions. He lived for a long time among the nomadic peoples of the desert before gaining popularity on the battlefield. Today it is mostly used in beauty pageants designed for him and his breathtaking metallic dress!

It is common to say that the Akhal-Teke is possessive. He is a horse that does not like changes of owner at all. He is quite energetic and unpredictable which makes him difficult for novice riders to handle. Besides that, he knows how to be playful and endearing when he wants. Currently, it is threatened with extinction but its numbers increase every year.


Well. It is with the Andalusian, or more precisely the Spanish Pure-Race that we start this top. And yet, it is not known for its speed, but rather for its splendid long and wavy hair. Moreover, it is mainly used in traditional Spanish shows or in amateur show jumping. 

In addition to being a beast of the stage, he is also a good challenger in dressage. Moreover, the Andalusian has already won some Olympic medals there with the Spanish national team. Her original looks and her dress very often gray, sometimes spotted, give her a lot of charisma. It deserves its place of seventh, although it is very far from competing with the cadors of this top!

Fastest horses in the world

The fastest horse in the world

The fastest horse in the world is the Winning Brew horse, according to the Guinness Book of Records, as this horse traveled 71 km per hour in the 2008 competition, and since then it has won the title of the fastest horse in the world, and in a comparison between the Arabian horse, And the purebred horse, and the quartier horse in 2006 AD, the quarter horses were faster than the purebred horses at short distances, as they could reach speeds of 89 km per hour, and the quarter was the fastest horse in the world, while Arabian horses are faster in long distances because they are more durable.

Horse speed

The average speed at which a horse runs is approximately 48.2 kilometers per hour, but its maximum speed can reach much higher, and the Winning Brew horse, according to the Guinness Book of Records for 2008, has managed a distance of 70.76 kilometers in Clock, and thus earned the title of fastest horse in the world.

Fastest horses in the world

Types of horse gait 

The horse can perform four types of movement, which are as follows : 

Normal walking : It is a lateral gait characterized by four strokes of the hoof, as it takes three feet to touch the ground at one time, so that the fourth foot is in the air, so the horse raises first one of its back feet, then the front from the same side, then the second back foot , Then the front foot from the same side. 

Trotting : This type is characterized as a diagonal gait using four strokes of the hoof, in which one front foot touches the ground and the opposite back foot simultaneously, and each leg bears the body weight separately. 

The enemy : It is a three-stroke hoof gait, in which the front foot touches the ground and the opposite back foot simultaneously, while the remaining two feet touch the ground separately. 

Sprint : It is the fastest horse gait, and is similar to the enemy, except that the back foot touches the ground shortly before touching the opposite front foot.

Fastest horses in the world

The amount of the horse's maximum speed

Horse competition between each other is an ancient sport dating back several centuries ago and the events of horse racing remain part of civilization and human culture, and there are five names for the way horse movement, which are jumping, jogging, trotting, support and walking, and the average speed at which a horse runs is about 48.2 kilometers per hour, but the amount The maximum horse speed is much higher than that, and the Guinness Book of Records indicates that the maximum horse speed recorded was about 70.76 kilometers per hour that the winning brew horse achieved in the 2008 race course at a distance of 402 meters.

Fastest horses in the world

Horse racing is a sport with a long tradition. It's known as the sport of kings, and it has been around for hundreds of years. Today it is very popular in many parts of the world, attracting the interests of people from all walks of life. Races are held throughout the year in many countries, and many of these races attract large audiences, both on the circuit and on television.

The sport is especially popular among those who like to bet because betting is an integral part of horse racing. It has always been like this. Betting on horse racing is one of the oldest forms of betting and is a hobby enjoyed by millions of people. For many fans of the sport, the betting on races makes watching them so exciting. The sport of horse racing relies on prize money and sponsorship of the betting industry to keep the sport alive.

In our Horse Racing Betting guide we will teach you all about the sport and how to bet on it. If you don't know anything about horse racing but want to learn, this is a good place to start. We cover all the basics you need to know plus we offer some helpful strategies and tips as well. There are no guarantees that you will be able to make money from the betting you make but we can certainly help you achieve success.

This guide also contains information and advice related to online horse racing betting including our recommendations on the best gambling sites you can use. There is some general information about the sport, too. We cover how it operates in different parts of the world, and provide details on all major events and races.

Everything covered in this guide is fully explained below. You can read the entire page or jump directly to any of the following sections that may be of particular interest.

Horse racing basics

Fastest horses in the world

It is also worth noting that betting on horse racing is similar in many ways to betting on any other sport. There is a lot of information and advice in our sports betting guide that can also apply to horse racing betting, so you might also want to take a look at it.

Ancient horse racing

Horse racing probably began around the time horse dressage began. Early horse races date back to about 1500 BC, when expeditionary races (two-wheeled horse-drawn chariots) were held in Eastern Europe and North Africa. The Olympic Games in ancient Greece featured precipitated races for the first time in 680 BC. And horse rider races were added to the games in 648 BC. Later horse racing spread in what is now Asia Minor, France, Germany and Italy. Over the centuries, racehorses were owned by English kings and members of the nobility, and as a result horse racing is sometimes called the sport of kings. King James I founded a horse racing center in Newmarket, Suffolk County, England, where races began to be held around 1619 AD, and Newmarket is still a center for horse racing today.

Fastest horses in the world

Charles II is considered the king most closely connected with the early history of horse racing in England. He was the only king to win an official horse race as a knight during his rule. Until the middle of the eighteenth century AD, horse racing was in a lack of organization. In 1750 AD, the first jockey club was established in England to try to replace some organization in the race. In the late eighteenth century AD, the first of the races known as the traditional races of England was organized. First the St Leger Race began in 1776, then the Oaks Race in 1779, followed by the Derby race in 1780. And the most famous Australian race, the Melbourne Cup, was established in 1861. The Paris Grand Prix was held for the first time in 1863 AD in France, and the Irish Derby Lottery was held in 1866 AD. The hurdles race was held on a specially constructed race track - instead of open ground - for the first time in England at Bedford in 1811. During the mid-nineteenth century AD, the administrators of horse racing tracks made serious attempts to organize horse races in a proper manner, aiming to make this sport effectively disciplined and free of any kind of distortion. Technical performance in equestrian sport has changed dramatically over the past 100 years, as riders now ride their horses in a vastly different way from the upright stance that their peers used to take at the end of the nineteenth century AD. Training methods also became more sophisticated, racetracks better maintained, and horses more specialized.

Fastest horses in the world

The race today

Since the end of World War II (1939-1945), many racehorses on flat terrain and over hurdles have been able to win world fame. Of these horses, the Italian horse Raiboot was unbeaten in 16 races during the years 1955 and 1956, and won the Arc de Triomphe race during those two years. Nijinsky, the horse trained in Ireland, won the English Triple Crown (Derby, Saint Leger, and Two Thousand Pounds) in 1970. It was the first horse to achieve that victory in 35 years. Arkell - also a horse trained in Ireland - proved to be the best horse in show jumping at one point when he won the Cheltenham Cup three times in the mid-1960s. The horse has only been beaten by Brigadier Gerrard once in 18 races.

Fastest horses in the world

Facts about horses

The horse is classified into a family of hoofed mammals and is distinguished by its tail, long necks and short hair, and according to the American Museum of Natural History, the first horses originated in North America and then spread to Asia and Europe, and there are some information on horses that are mentioned as follows.

Horse size It is believed that the horse was used mostly for milk and meat, but horses joined the bulls as a form of movement through animals, and there are more than 400 different breeds of horses and the horse can reach 175 cm from the hoof to the shoulder and weigh 2200 pounds, and there are other breeds that are distinguished It is as small as it can be up to 76 cm in length and weighs only 120 pounds.

Fastest horses in the world

Horse breed Horses give birth after about 11 months of pregnancy and the newborn is called a foal, and foals are the adult horses whose length is less than 147 cm, and the foal is able to stand shortly after birth and becomes mature at the age of 3 to 5 years, and the adult male stallion separates the young male foal For his female herd to find his own female herd.

Horse behaviors Horses are very social animals and live in large groups in the wilderness called herds, and the herd consists of three to twenty horses led by an adult male called the stallion and the rest of the herd consists of females and young, and horses are herbivorous animals that eat only plants, but the pet horse that lives among humans eats foods from Different including barley, straw and oats, and horses have one stomach, unlike cows, which are small and not enough for the horse all day, so he eats throughout the day.

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