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Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

Every dog owner need to know fruits that dog can eat and vegetables.

Best fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

In its natural habitat, the dog feeds exclusively on meat, since it is a carnivorous animal.  Thanks to the half-digested food of its prey, the dog would also absorb the nutrients and vitamins provided by fruits and vegetables, essential to keep his body in perfect condition.  However, this thesis remains possible when the dog remains in the wild state, whereas in the majority of situations the dog is domesticated.

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables


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Since in our house the dog cannot hunt and we are the ones providing him with the food to survive, we must take into account what our dog needs to choose the best diet for him.  Experts always recommend a varied diet, consisting of dry foods and, in small amounts, natural fruits and vegetables ... Want to know what are the best fruits and vegetables for dogs ?  Read on and find out in this article which fruits and vegetables are good for dogs in the article Fruits and vegetables allowed for dogs.  Do not hesitate to consult our articles on each fruit and vegetable to know the benefits, risks and how to consume them for your dog by clicking on the links.

Fruits and vegetables allowed for dogs

Fruits and vegetables allowed and even recommended for dogs are :

For the fruit category:

the blueberries


the pear

the banana

apricot and peach

the strawberry

the watermelon

the melon

For the vegetable category:


The salad, lettuce and cabbage

The celery

Green beans and peas

The carrot


The courgette

The pumpkin


The cucumber

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

In general, so-called "commercial" quality dog ​​foods contain the proteins, vitamins, minerals, fats and oils that our dogs need in a balanced way.  However, they also have nutritional deficiencies which in the long run can affect our dog's health, such as lack of fiber and antioxidants.

You have probably heard of the importance for us of consuming foods rich in antioxidants in order to eliminate free radicals and thus prevent premature aging.  But did you know that they are also very beneficial for animals?  A lack of antioxidants will not be reflected in the dog in the form of wrinkles, but cell oxidation will manifest itself in cell damage which will lower its immune system and promote the onset of degenerative diseases typical of old age, cardiovascular disease or  even cancer.

For their part, fiber helps prevent constipation in our dog and promotes the digestive system provided it is supplied correctly.  We must keep in mind that the percentage of fiber our body needs is not the same as the percentage our dog needs.  Veterinarians recommend that fiber should not exceed 3.5% of the diet, as too much could lead to obstruction of the digestive tract, among other problems.  However, adequate consumption can be very beneficial for our dog.

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

If the food we are feeding our dog does not contain any antioxidants or fiber, the best way to feed it is to use raw fruits and vegetables.  In addition to supplementing the deficiencies of the diet, we break with our dog's food routine, by offering him a varied diet that will help him not to get bored of food, and we will manage to prevent him from stopping eat.

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

Fruits dogs can eat

While there are many fruits recommended for dogs, you should keep in mind that not all of them are worth the effort, as many more are highly toxic to them.  The best fruits for dogs are:

Blueberries: One of the most remarkable properties of blueberries is their high content of antioxidants, being one of the best fruits to prevent the onset of heart disease in our dog.  They are also rich in vitamin C and fiber.  However, don't forget to remove the seeds inside before feeding this food to your dog, as this can cause serious damage (like digestive problems).

Apple: Both for its digestive and astringent properties, ideal both for the treatment of diarrhea in dogs and other stomach problems, and for its high content of vitamin C, calcium and anti-inflammatory properties, the apple is a  very good fruit for dogs.  Before giving it to them, don't forget to wash it well and remove the core with the seeds.  If you want to give your dog an apple to treat diarrhea, it is best to remove the skin, but if you want to fight constipation, give him apple pieces with the skin on.

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

The pear: 80% of the composition of the pear is made up of water, so its caloric intake is very low.  It is a perfect source of fiber and potassium, so in addition to promoting intestinal transit, pear will help prevent cardiovascular disease and is suitable for dogs with diabetes.

Bananas: Be careful, this fruit contains a high content of insoluble fiber, and an excess of insoluble fiber can have serious consequences in our dog.  However, in very small amounts, bananas can benefit him and help him defecate if you notice that he is suffering from constipation.  If your dog is in top condition and you notice that after giving him a bite of a banana, he has diarrhea, remove this fruit from his diet immediately.

Apricot and peach: both fruits are rich in fiber and help regulate our dog's intestinal transit.  In addition, their high iron level helps them prevent the onset of anemia.  These fruits are also an important source of antioxidants and are composed mainly of water, therefore preventing obesity in your dog.  And yes !  These fruits are excellent for dogs predisposed to obesity.  ATTENTION, you must always remove the skin and the pit before feeding the apricot or the peach to your dog.

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

Strawberries: like blueberries, strawberries represent one of the best antioxidants as red fruits and are therefore perfect for maintaining a beautiful coat in our dog and preventing cell oxidation.  In addition, the strawberry is beneficial for his bones and has diuretic and digestive properties that improve his intestinal transit.

Melon: melon is an excellent source of vitamins A and E, in addition to having powerful diuretic and antioxidant properties, very important for the health of our dog.  Like the rest of these fruits, we must remove the seeds and give the melon preferably diced to our dog.

Watermelon: Watermelon is also mostly water, so it is ideal to give our dog a small portion of seedless watermelon.  Be careful, you must give your dog small amounts of watermelon because of its high fructose content.

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

Fruits not to feed dogs

If there are fruits and vegetables authorized for dogs, there are also fruits and vegetables that are not recommended or even prohibited for your dog.  Indeed, this can cause your dog digestive problems such as diarrhea or vomiting, even in some very serious risks of poisoning leading to death. Here are a few :


Citrus fruits

The onions




How to feed my dog ​​fruits and vegetables

As we said earlier, fruits and vegetables shouldn't be your dog's main source of nutrition since most of your dog's diet is protein.  Indeed, fruits and vegetables should be a supplement, where experts recommend that between 15 and 20% of the diet should be composed of fruits and vegetables.

We must keep in mind that the dog's body is not the same as ours and therefore does not need the same amounts of food as we do.  So, if our diet must consist of a considerable percentage of fruits and vegetables, theirs is not.  The high level of sugar in fruits, for example, is not as digestible for dogs as it is for us, as it is toxic to them in large quantities.

If the food we feed our dog already contains fruits and vegetables, the amount of these raw foods should be less.  If it is not composed of these products, we must give it 15% in its natural version.  How? 'Or' What ?  By providing our dog with all the peeled and cut fruit, without seeds or stones.  Vegetables, on the other hand, will need to be washed and cut, remember that if you don't your dog could suffocate or digest badly.

Fruits that dog can eat and vegetables

It is not recommended to feed natural fruits and vegetables more than once a week or to always feed the same fruit or vegetable.  Vary the pleasures!

BARF diet for dogs

The healthiest way to feed your dog vegetables is with the BARF diet, which stands for "Biologically Appropriate Raw Food", also known as raw feeding.  The BARF diet therefore consists of 60% bone with flesh and muscle, only 25% meat and, finally, 15% fruit, vegetables, eggs or viscera, all raw.  Vegetables and fruits authorized for dogs thus fall within 15% of their diet.  To learn more, see our article on BARF Dog Feeding Examples.

Vegetables dogs love

In general, the best vegetables for dogs are green vegetables for the wide variety of vitamins they contain, with antioxidant properties and fiber among other things.  Sometimes, these are not the only vegetables that we can give our dog!  Indeed, other vegetables are rich in highly recommended beta-carotene.  The recommended vegetables for dogs are:

Spinach: This vegetable helps our dog to regulate intestinal transit thanks to its fiber content.  Moreover, it is rich in vitamins A, C, E, B and F. We must provide this vegetable to our dog raw, well washed and chopped, otherwise it could get stuck in his throat and cause significant damage.

Salad, Lettuce, Lamb's lettuce and cabbage: Both vegetables are rich in iron and antioxidants and have analgesic and cleansing properties.  Before giving these products to the dog, they should also be washed and chopped to avoid asphyxiation.

Celery: Just as celery is very beneficial for us, so is our dog.  Of course, in moderate quantities, washed and well chopped.  It is also a powerful natural antioxidant, so important for maintaining the health of our dog in perfect condition, diuretic, digestive, anti-inflammatory and strengthens his immune system.  It is ideal for dogs with arthritis because it helps reduce pain.  You can provide this vegetable in its natural version, or prepare a juice and give it to your dog once a month, in the morning and on an empty stomach.

Green beans and peas: Rich in vitamins A and C and with antioxidant, digestive and above all energy properties, these vegetables are very beneficial for our dog in moderate quantities.  If your dog is not used to chewing food, don't feed him peas, he could choke.

Carrot: Arguably one of the best vegetables for dogs not only for their antioxidant, depurative and digestive properties, but also for their ability to strengthen their teeth.  We will provide you with a good piece of peeled carrot to chew on and help you remove the plaque.

Squash, Zucchini: Squash and zucchini are especially recommended for dogs with constipation.  They are high in fiber, antioxidants and diuretics, so we can provide squash or zucchini in a moderate way, always peeled, chopped and seedless.  The same goes for pumpkin or pumpkin.

Cucumber: filled with water, cucumber is ideal for cooling your dog.  BE CAREFUL, remove the seeds and the skin of your cucumber well before feeding your dog.

While some veterinarians advise dog owners not to feed their dogs people's food, others recommend feeding cats and dogs some fresh organic food because it contributes to improving their health, and while most cats do not enjoy eating vegetables or fruits, but dogs love to eat them more often. So it is worth a try.

Fruits and vegetables are known to have fewer calories in general and this means that they can become part of the pet's diet, and experts do not suggest giving animals a certain amount of vegetables and fruits for dogs, but the percentage of vegetables and fruits should not be more than 20-25%. From dog food.

You can offer vegetables to the dog in raw form or cook them steamed with the addition of a little salt , pepper, turmeric and lemon, and there are some vegetables that you should avoid feeding the dog, but you can offer the following vegetables to your animal and you are assured:

Most dogs love carrots, whether whole or cut into slices, which is beneficial as it contains saccharinol, which is characterized by its anti-cancer properties, and beta-carotene that promotes health in general and works to combat toxins that cause cell damage, and carrots may reduce the chances of infection Animal with heart disease.

You can offerchopped or whole green beans to your dog. They are very beneficial as they reduce cholesterol in the blood and improve heart health because they contain antioxidants, folic acid and vitamin B6.

Broccoli is one of the vegetables that is preferred to feed dogs and pets in general, especially those suffering from disorders in the immune system, as broccoli contains indole 3-carbinol and sulforaphane compounds and it works to fight cancer by enhancing the levels of good hormones in the body, especially the hormone estrogen It also increases cancer-preventing enzymes.

Dark leafy vegetables:
Any type of leafy vegetable is good for pets, and you can cook it first by frying it and mixing it with water or meat broth and feeding it to the animal, and leafy vegetables contain a large percentage of antioxidants that help reduce inflammation and prevent cell damage that may It leads to cancer or chronic arthritis.

Berries are one of the fruits recommended for dogs, but the percentage of berries in the dog's food should not exceed 10 to 15%. Also, organic berries should be chosen. Arthritis, allergies and cancer.

Foods that should not be given to dogs:
While most pets can eat almost anything that is grown, there are some vegetables that should be avoided due to their potential harm, such as onions and garlic, which may cause some chemicals in them to be allergic to cats and dogs and because these foods can Causing damage to red blood cells, which leads to animal anemia, and therefore you should avoid feeding onions to all pets, while garlic contains many health benefits as it is antibacterial and blood clotting as it enhances the body’s immunity, so cats and dogs can be fed a small amount. Too much garlic, so that it does not exceed one small clove per 10 to 25 pounds of body weight per day, and it is also recommended to do a regular blood test for the animal every 3 to 6 months to detect anemia, and grapes and raisins can cause kidney failure in dogs and therefore should be avoided.

Natural foods

There are some safe and useful foods for dogs, and here are a number of them :


Dogs can eat both cooked and raw carrots, because it may be a good source of minerals, fibers, and vitamins, which makes it a healthy food for dogs, and it's advised to chop carrots into smaller parts, to avoid choking the dog.


spread is taken into account healthy food for dogs, provided you eat reasonable quantities of it, because it contains large amounts of fat which will cause a rise within the weight of the dog quite the permissible limit, and a spotlight must be paid to the amounts of salt added thereto to avoid harming the dog.

Cooked eggs

A cooked egg may be a safe and nutritious food for dogs, because it contains all the minerals and vitamins that are important to them, additionally to protein, and it's important to cook eggs before feeding them to the dog, to avoid the danger of varied diseases like salmonella.


Cooked salmon may be a healthy food for dogs, because it may be a good source of omega-3 fatty acids, and care must even be taken to cook fish before feeding it to the dog to avoid the danger of poisoning which will be fatal.

Watermelon Watermelon is taken into account a secure food for dogs, because it is low in calories, rich in nutrients, and vitamins, like vitamin A and vitamin C.

Some vegetables and fruits

Vegetables and fruits are rich sources of fiber, minerals, and main nutrients, including potatoes, sweet potatoes, apples, oranges, strawberries, corn, coconut, bananas, cooked rice, broccoli, mango et al. Processed or commercial foods These foods are designed to satisfy all the nutritional needs of dogs , although dogs don't want to eat them sometimes, but they contain most of the required nutrients thanks to the variability of products that enter their manufacture, like meat, grains, vegetables, fruits, vitamins, and essential minerals, because it must make certain to settle on products that suit the age of dogs, and therefore the periods of their pregnancy, additionally to the presence of foods suitable for all ages of dogs, and that they are approved, and therefore the most vital informational information are often known by reading the brochures printed on the edges of the food boxes, because the American College of Veterinary Nutrition stated that Processed foods that are sold in stores are a secure and healthy choice for feeding pets, because they form a balanced food that contains many nutrients in amounts suitable for dogs.

Forbidden foods

Dogs can eat anything that's presented to them, but there are some foods that ought to be avoided to dogs, which can be harmful, which can expose them to poisoning, such as: chocolate, grapes, raisins, nuts, foods that contain caffeine, and foods that contain Xylitol, like chewing gum or some sweets, spoiled and rotting foods, animal remains, bones and therefore the like.

Dogs don't just like meat, they also like fruits and vegetables. It is often the headache to vary the diet of a dog . If you are looking for ideas to change your dog's daily life while maintaining a healthy diet, here we are going to give you 10 fruits and vegetables that are perfect for your dog's diet and good health . Also remember to consult your veterinarian for advice on food and other fruits and vegetables to give to your dog, the consultation may be reimbursed by dog insurance according to your chosen Dog insurance plan.


dog health asparagus

Asparagus contains vitamins K, A, B1, B2, C and E as well as folic acid, iron, fiber, magnesium and potassium. With all of this why not give it to your dog. It is an ideal food for his health. Cut it into small pieces so that they can eat them easily.

spinach dog health

Spinach is already great for us humans, but it's also great for dogs. Spinach is very rich in iron, but it also helps protect against cardiovascular problems and cancer.

Green beans
dog health green bean

It is certainly easier to make a dog eat green beans than a child. Green beans are good for dogs because of their intake of omega 3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C and K. They are also a good source of calcium, fiber, and iron. Basically, these are the best vegetables for your dog.

Sweet potatoes
dog health sweet potato

Sweet potatoes are an excellent source of vitamins E, A, B-6, and C as well as calcium, iron, potassium, and iron. In addition to being good for you, sweet potatoes are tasty. They are therefore perfect for any dog's dinner.

pumpkin dog health

Feeding a pumpkin dog allows him to absorb fiber, vitamins A and anti-oxidants against diarrhea and constipation. The pumpkin helps dogs protect their cardiovascular health.

Brussels sprouts
health dog brussels sprouts

The content is vitamins K and G, fiber, potassium are excellent for the health of your dog. Also if your child sees the dog eating Brussels sprouts they may want to eat it too.

Here is a list of 4 fruits you can give your dog

The watermelon
watermelon dog health

Watermelon has a high lycopene (carotene) content so if you want to give your dog a little carotene cure watermelon is the best source. It also contains vitamin A, B and C6 as well as thiamine.

The blueberries
blueberry dog ​​health

Blueberries have a high level of resveratrol and have anti-cancer properties. Eating blueberries will help protect it from heart disease. In addition, the tannins contained in blueberries prevent urinary tract infections.

apple dog health

Besides the fact that watching a dog eat an apple is a lot of fun, the antioxidants and vitamin C in the apple are great for your dog's health.

The melon
melon dog health

Melon is as good for men as it is for dogs. They are full of vitamins that will help the dog's eyesight, from beta carotene to reduce the risk of cancer. It is also a good source of vitamins B-6 and C, fiber and potassium.


According to The American Kennel Club, watermelon may be a superfood, low in calories and full of nutrients - vitamins A, B6, C, and potassium. it's also an ideal snack to offer your dog on a hot summer day, because it is usually water. Veterinarian's tip: Freeze watermelon cubes to assist your dog cool off. Follow the following pointers for your dog's health and safety within the summer.

Your dog can eat blueberries.
The blueberries

Packed with antioxidants, blueberries are very healthy for your faithful companion. they're a number of the simplest “human” foods a dog can eat.

As alittle dog can choke on them, it's better to chop them before giving them. Wondering if your dog loves you quite his meal? Here is that the answer.

Your dog can eat apples

Apples are delicious for both you and your dog. consistent with , they supply fiber, vitamins A and C, omega-3 and 6, antioxidants, flavonoids, and polyphenols. “Make sure your dog doesn't swallow the seeds,” Dr. Kelly Ryan cautions. they're toxic! ” Apple seeds actually contain tiny traces of cyanide. The human gastrointestinal system can easily filter it, but dogs cannot. be careful for these potentially toxic foods for your dog.

Vegetables your dog can eat

Your dog could also be more hooked in to vegetables than you're. These healthy human foods provide nutrients with minimal calories. However, like humans, dogs are often impatient of certain foods although they're supposedly good for them.

“You should remember that dogs also can have food intolerances causing gastrointestinal upset or maybe an allergy ,” explains Dr. Ryan. Monitor your dog and ask your veterinarian whether or not you'll introduce a food into your dog's diet.

Your dog can eat carrots

Carrots make great snacks for your dog. consistent with Purina , dogs can eat carrots raw, cooked, or maybe with their tops on. But carrots should only be alittle a part of your dog's diet. does one know when your dog is in pain or when he's angry? Learn to decode your dog's facial expressions!

Your dog can eat green beans
Green beans

According to , green beans are an entire food. they're a superb source of fiber, omega-3 fatty acids, vitamins A, C and K, vitamin Bc , magnesium, calcium, iron and potassium.

They are so good for dogs that some owners incorporate a reasonably large portion of them into their furry friend's daily diet. Note: don't add salt or seasoning.

Your dog can eat asparagus.

Asparagus may be a vegetable containing tons of fiber that's beneficial for the digestive health of the dog. it's perfectly safe for dogs to eat cooked asparagus as a snack. However, don't feed raw asparagus to Fido, because it could also be difficult to digest.

Your dog can eat spinach

Spinach may be a very healthy food for humans thanks to its high content of antioxidants, iron and vitamin K . It might be a beneficial a part of your dog's diet. consistent with , they will boost his system and energy levels, and make him a healthier animal.

Your dog can eat pumpkin.

Vets often recommend pumpkin when a dog is constipated or has other digestive issues. Mix canned pumpkin flesh together with your dog's kibble permanently gastrointestinal system function.

Go for something organic, suggests Dr. Kelly Ryan, and “just confirm , to avoid the spices, it isn't pie filling. ask your veterinarian on what proportion to offer him, as an excessive amount of pumpkin can cause diarrhea. ”

The meats your dog can eat

Meat is one among the primary things that involves mind when brooding about what human foods dogs can eat. If your dog likes all types of meat, confirm the cut you select doesn't contain an excessive amount of fat, because it could easily make your dog gain weight.

Chicken may be a safe bet, especially when your pet has an indigestion . “Try soft foods like poached chicken and steamed polished rice ,” says Ann Hohenhaus, doctor of medicine at ny City's Animal center .

“Vets also recommend giving your dog both cooked and non-raw sources of protein,” she adds. If not properly cooked, proteins like meat and eggs can carry disease caused by microbes. ”

Your dog can eat chicken stock
Chicken broth

It's not just chicken meat that's good for dogs to eat - there's also bone broth, either homemade or store-bought, which will help with an indigestion, advises Dr. Kelly Ryan.

However, be extremely careful with the bones. “Whatever sort of meat you feed your dog, remove all bones from it first. Ingesting the bones could lead on to different problems in your dog, like broken teeth, a mouth injury or a bowel obstruction requiring surgery. ”

Your dog can eat fish

Fish may be a human food that dogs can eat if it's not raw. and a few sorts of fish are healthier for your dog than others. Because salmon, tilefish, and herring are short-lived fish, they need lower mercury levels than fish at the highest of the organic phenomenon like swordfish.

If your dog has allergies to other sorts of meat, fish may be a great source of protein for them.


So now you know the fruits that dog can eat and vegetables, if you have more ideas leave it in comment below.

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