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Parrot facts - Fun parrot facts

Parrot facts

Parrot facts - Fun parrot facts

In this article we will tell you many parrot facts and the most facts about parrot you didn't heard before !

Parrot facts

The parrot is one of the most popular and popular birds among children. As well as being magnificent with colorful feathers and a beak, it is considered one of the most intelligent birds. However, there is more to the facts about the parakeet than just a bird with colorful wings and imitation skills. So here is an article not only about bird information for Indian parrot for kids, but also about other types of parrots in the world.

Read : Can birds eat bread

Parrots are interesting creatures not only for their intelligence and beauty, but also for their biological diversity. Not all parrots are the same. Diet, blades, size, shape, and voice are all different from type to type.

Natural habitat for parrots
Most parrots are found in the subtropics and tropics of the continents of Australia, South America, South Africa, and South Asia. We can find a good number of species of parrots in the Pacific Islands, New Guinea and the Caribbean.

Other locations found are Belgium, Spain, UK in Europe, Tierra del Fuego Archipelago in South America, Mexico at the southern end of North America, New Zealand , Fiji, the Solomon Islands in Oceania, the Philippines and the Bahamas.

Parrot analgesia is very common. They live in lowlands from tropical forests to the edges of streams. However, some species of parrots are mostly seen in forests. Some even live in shrubs, meadows or dry forests.

Parrots eating habits

The bird is often considered to be nourished by  fruit  nuts, seeds and buds. However, different types of parakeets will eat a different type of food. Most birds, such as gray parrots and African parrots, eat seeds and buds, while golden-winged parrots are predators: they have been observed to feed on snails and insects, as well as sheep prey. On the other hand, there are a few species such as hanging parrots, fast parrots, sugars and surviving rickets.

The nature of parrots

Parrots of all kinds are fundamentally social creatures and therefore can be seen in groups ranging from 10 to 30. Few parrots are so loyal that they have the same mate for their entire lives.

Parrot breeding habits

Parrots are not primarily territorial in nature. Most build their nests in tree branches using small pieces of wood, leaves, sticks, twigs, or even tree cavities. Few varieties build nests on the ground and some accept abandoned termites. The incubation period of parrots varies depending on the size of the species, with the larger bird having an incubation period. After the eggs hatch, they stay in the nest for a few weeks before they are strong enough to fly.

Other facts about children's parrots
Below are some fun facts about parrots.

The best part about parrots is that they can mimic any sound. They can imitate anyone and anything and fool us!
Parrots are very intelligent birds. By hearing them, not only do they imitate words or sounds, but they can also associate a position or an object with words and sounds. They are also adept at doing various tricks with and without things that prove their level of intelligence.
The parakeet has a very strong pair of legs that allow them to swing on branches, hang on to something, or even hang them upside down. This is because they have four toes on each foot called zygodactyl feet. They even use their feet to pick up things or even to eat with them.
The age of parrots varies depending on the species. Young live between the ages of 15 and 20, and their average height can be between the age of 30, while a large size such as a blue and yellow parrot can exceed the age of 100.
The heaviest parrot species in the world is the Kakabu. Due to its heavy weight which can be around 4 - 5 kg, it cannot fly. This type of parrot is also the only type at night, which means it only moves at night.
Parrot species from the South American continent have been observed to eat clay. They do this to flush toxins from their bodies that are ingested into their system by the seeds they feed on.
Ultraviolet light invisible to the human eye is perfectly visible to the parrot.
Unlike other parrot species that live in warm areas, Kia is the only parrot that lives in mountainous alpine regions where temperatures are low.
The smallest species of parrots are dwarf parrots whose face weighs around 13 grams 10 and 3 only a few centimeters.
The hyacinth parakeet variety is the largest and can be around 1.
Although there are around 350 species of parrots, many of these species are endangered or on the verge of extinction. Finding them for meat and feathers or locking them up in the pet market is one reason. However, some organizations are working hard to educate people about parrots and we hope to make a difference in the near future.

Parrot facts : know everything about parrots

The term parrot includes several families of large birds , easily recognizable by their hooked beaks and bright colors. Originally from hot countries, this animal has adapted to our interiors, and sometimes even to our outdoor aviaries. This portrait notwithstanding, we must not forget that the parrot is an animal whose maintenance and education can be restrictive. This animal can live between 30 and 80 years, depending on the species, the acquisition of a parrot must, therefore, be considered and matured.

What is the behavior of the parrot?
The parrot, like a child, requires a lot of attention. With great sociability, he can also be temperamental when you refuse him something. Its powerful beak will then prove to be a formidable weapon that can inflict some small injuries on you.

This trait is mostly found in young animals, or those with no education. Indeed, as soon as you spend time with your animal, and that you start its education, you will socialize it more, and will be able to thus make an outstanding companion.

Endowed with a good intelligence, you will be able to learn to speak to your parrot, but also to follow you, or to stay on your shoulder. None of the time you devote to it will be wasted time.

How to choose my parrot?

Choosing your parrot is an essential step. Indeed, these animals need the presence of humans more than any other bird, and this must be taken into account. You will need to be able to talk to your bird on a daily basis, but also take it out under constant surveillance, and endure its regular noises.

Once you feel ready to acquire your parrot, you must either go to a specialized pet store or to a breeder in your area. Always prefer farm animals to captured animals. Indeed, they have been in contact with humans from an early age, and this helps to fight against poaching which ravages certain populations of parrots.

As we have seen, there are different species of parrots, each of which has its own peculiarities. Do not hesitate to inquire beforehand so as not to make any mistakes when buying your animal.

You will thus buy a parrot according to the time you have to devote to it, as well as the environment in which you are going to place it, and the space which it will be able to have. In apartments, always prefer quiet birds.

Finally, it is preferable to acquire a healthy animal. So, when making your purchase you will have to make sure that your bird's plumage is shiny, that his nose is not runny and that he has a sparkling eye. It must still be lively, and not be too plucked. Some birds, anxious, lose their feathers, but this is not fatal, because then placing it in a serene environment will allow it to rebuild its plumage.

Parrot facts : What habitat for my parrot ?
Once you have chosen your companion, all you have to do is bring it home. However, you must have previously prepared its environment, and therefore its cage.

Choice of cage:
Your pet will spend a large part of its life in its cage, at least until you educate it. So you will have to choose a cage adapted to its needs.

Even though the minimum dimensions are 60x70x70, these are not immutable. Indeed, you must adapt the size of the cage to the size of your animal. The landmarks are the wings and the tail. Your parrot should be able to unfold its wings unhindered, and its tail should not touch the walls. This will tell you that you are buying a cage that is suitable for their needs. The more spacious the cage, the better your pet will feel. Do not hesitate to acquire a cage with an opening at its top, in order to install a perch there to be able to bring your bird out.

Finally, you will need to choose a cage specially designed for parrots. Unlike regular cages, these have wider and more spaced bars. Parrots have indeed a great force in their beaks, and an ordinary cage would resist only a very short time, as they would manage to escape easily.

Where to place the cage ?
It is an animal which adores the company of the Man. So be sure to place your parrot in the room where it will be able to enjoy this presence most frequently: living room, living room, etc.

You will place the cage near a window so that it enjoys natural light, without leaving he does not have to suffer from too much heat.

What accessories ?
The cage must be decorated with perches adapted to the size of your parrot, as well as to its beak. So avoid plastic parts. You can also add a rope to your animal, so that it performs its acrobatics.

Parrot facts - How to feed my parrot ?
It is getting easier and easier to feed parrots. In fact, pet stores today offer ready-made food in which you will find the favorite foods of these birds, namely fruits and large seeds. However, nothing prevents you from making your own food for your parrot according to its tastes.

Finally, these animals are very fond of fruit, whether it is apples, or even kiwis, including bananas. Rare are the fruits shunned by our little companions.

When we hear someone talking about a parrot, this colorful bird immediately comes to mind, repeating the voice of those in front of it, but today we will tell you more information about the parrot.  It will be useful if you are considering buying one for your home, or you are interested in collecting information about birds in general.

Parrot is a type of colorful bird, of which there are 372 species, most of which live in tropical and subtropical regions, such as South and Central America, Asia, Africa, Australia, and New Zealand.

Few species of parrots prefer to live in cooler climates, such as: “Macaws, Amazons, kea, kaka, lorikeets, parakeets, lovebirds and cockatoos” They are among the parrots, known for their beauty and intelligence.

Parrots are one of the most popular pets in the world.
Unfortunately, due to the illegal pet trade, nearly 100 species of parrots are at great risk in the wild.

Parrot facts

Parrots can range from 4 to 40 inches in length, depending on the species.

All parrots also have curved beaks and strong legs that end with four fingers.  Two toes point forward and two back.

Arranging toes and sharp claws facilitates life on trees, and ensures a firm grip when parrots rest on the branches.

Parrots are the only birds that are able to pick food with their feet and bring it to the mouth.

Some parrots are able to imitate a human voice.

Parrots are very intelligent animals.
The African gray parrot named Alex was able to learn to count to 6, answer questions, recognize seven colors and identify thirty-five different objects.

Parrots can be active during the day (diurnal animals) or at night (such as nocturnal animals), depending on the species.

Parrots are omnivores (they eat other animals and plants).
Their diet consists of seeds, nuts, fruits, flowers and insects.

Parrots live in large groups called flocks, usually consisting of twenty to thirty parrots.

Parrots make very loud noises and use body language to communicate.

The main predators of parrots are: snakes, birds of prey, monkeys and humans.

Parrot adulteration ways

Parrots build nests in tree holes, cliff cavities, termite mounds and use ground tunnels.

Most parrot species are monogamous (one pair creates a bond that lasts forever).

Females lay 2 to 7 eggs that hatch after an incubation period of 22 to 30 days.

Both parents take care of the chicks.  And at birth, small parrots are covered with thin feathers, and blind.

After two weeks their bodies are completely covered in feathers, and they are able to see, but they stay with their parents for some time.

Young parrots reach sexual maturity at ages from one to four years, depending on the species.

The age of a parrot varies from one species to another.  Small parrots usually live 15-20 years, medium-sized parrots 25-30 years, and large parrots 60-100 years.

The parrot "Poncho", which has starred in several Hollywood films, is said to be 89 years old.

During the breeding season, female parrots lay 2-8 eggs, which are always white in color.
And most parrots do not build nests, but rather lay eggs in tree holes.  After 17-35 days, the parents hatch the egg, and the young leave the nest.

Funny information about parrot

Many parrots can imitate sounds, not just human voices, but in the wild it also benefits them to act as a defense against predators.
For example, if a snake approaches it, it can imitate the sound of a falcon, which frightens the snake.

In homes, parrots can reproduce the sounds of a phone ringing, a vacuum cleaner, a water faucet, a doorbell sound, and other sounds.

Parrots are the only birds that can eat with their feet.
The parrot presented like a human hand.  They don't just walk or sit on it.  They can even pick up things with it and even pick up food and bring it into their mouths.

Even more surprisingly, it has been observed that parrots always prefer one foot over the other, the same way a human can be left-handed or right-handed.

One of the main features of a parrot is its curved beak and broad beak. Parrot's beaks are not only large, but also powerful.

In fact, the sapphire parrot's beak, the largest flying parrot in the world, is strong enough to wipe out macadamia nuts, which are considered the hardest nut.
In addition to nuts, Brazil nuts.  It can even break coconuts.  For this reason, parrots should be handled with care at all times.

In order to find a mate, a male parrot makes what is called an courtship display.  He performs the same parade, dances or makes various expressions, and sounds to attract the female.
Once a female has chosen him, the two remain together for life, even outside of the breeding season.
They help each other find food, pay attention to each other, and sleep together.

Celebrities who own parrots include: Aristotle, King Henry VIII, Marco Polo, Queen Isabella, Marie Antoinette, Queen Victoria, Martha Washington, Teddy Roosevelt, and Stephen Spielberg.

Finally, keep in mind that despite all these advantages, if you are planning to have your own pet parakeet, they need a lot of affection and stimulation.  So, if they're not well trained, they can be loud, and hurtful.

After dogs, cats and fish, birds are the fourth most common pets in the world, the most important of which is the parrot bird, with its creative colors, acrobatic movements, various personalities, and its unique ability to imitate sounds.

In America alone there are more than 14 million parrot birds in captivity, both in homes and in zoos.

Among the parrot's distinctive features are its long life, intelligence, and high ability to interact socially with others, not to mention its urgent need for entertainment and play.

In conjunction with National Birds Day, we draw in the following to strange facts that you did not know about the babbling bird:  Citing the Smithsonian magazine.

1- Some parrots extract their need of calcium: Researchers at the University of York have revealed that the intelligence of a parrot is equivalent to the intelligence of children at the age of five, and that the male parrot grinds the seeds of fruits, such as dates, to provide the females with the calcium extract present in them before marriage.

2- A wide variety of food: The parrot bird eats a wide range of foods, such as fruits, seeds, nuts, insects and even meat.

3- Not all of them are tropical in nationality: Scientists have discovered so far 350 species of parrot birds, most of them live in tropical climates, whether in Africa, Australia, Asia or Central and South America, but some of these species break the rule to descend from New Zealand, for example, or the mountains of Mexico.

4- A third of parrots are at risk of extinction due to the elimination of their habitats or hunting for sale.

5- The male parrot chooses an identical partner: it is difficult to differentiate between the male parrot and its female partner in most species.

6- A parrot tastes from the tip of its upper beak: Although it has taste glands in its throat, most species can taste the tip of its beak.

7 - The weight of some birds is equivalent to the weight of a cat, but the largest bird recorded has a pilgrimage of about a meter from the top of its beak to the last feather in its tail, and its weight may reach 5 kilograms.

8- The parrot sometimes lives more than its owner, as the average age of the parrot is about 50 years, noting that the most perennial parrot is called Cook, and it is 82 years old in the Chicago Zoo.

9- Parrot's feathers contain anti-inflammatory materials, which are a kind of special defense against diseases and infections caused by bacteria, which are responsible for the diversity of its colors, beauty and maintenance of its feathers.

10- 1700 words: Parrots are famous for their love of speaking and gossip, and the bird buck records a Guinness record, with its vocabulary containing 1728 words.

11- The “black palm” parrot is the most difficult species to reproduce and reproduce: its chicks die as soon as they reach one year of age, and scientists attribute the reason for their feathers ’sensitivity to light rays, and they are vulnerable to extinction.


Parrot is a pet bird and beloved by many people, and it is the fourth most widespread pet in the world after dogs, cats and fish, and many people prefer to raise it at home as a spoiled bird, and it is a bird known for its bright and varied colors, and what distinguishes it is that it is the smartest bird on the surface of the globe , Due to the ability of some species to imitate human voices and laughter.

Parrot has many types, up to about 350 species, some of these types are famous; Such as: the African gray parrot, which is one of the smartest parrot species, the Amazon parrot, the macaw parrot, the cockatoo parrot, and some of them are not known at all, and some of their types are endangered, such as: the kakapu parrot and the little Brackett parrot.

Breeding in a parrot Parrot mate during the period between spring and autumn, and it only marries once in its life, and it is a bird that is distinguished by loyalty, as the male parrot can never separate from its female for life, and most parrots lay a number usually ranging between two to eight eggs at a time It is a non-migratory bird, and its female lays its eggs in nests, in tree holes, or inside ground tunnels, and the period of incubation of the female to eggs ranges between two weeks to about a month, and after the eggs hatch, the parrot is born blind with a thin layer on its skin, soft feathers, and remains so for a period Up to two weeks.

Parrot facts Characteristics of a parrot

In the wild, budgies are up to eighty years old, and feed on nuts; Such as: nuts, seeds; Especially sunflower seeds, and some types of insects and fruits, and the parrot lives among the tops of trees in the forests, and it is found in all continents of the world, and it is widely spread in North America, South America and Australia, and in warm regions in general. Parrot can withstand different temperatures, so it can be raised easily at home, and it is a bird that is distinguished by its long life, great intelligence, and high ability to imitate human words, and it is a clean bird that loves to wash with water, and the shower faucet must be placed on it from time to time to provide a humid atmosphere for it. The parrot lives in social groups called flocks, and some parrot species have the ability to learn to count the number eight, and it is a social bird that interacts well with its surroundings, and integrates with it, and it is a bird capable of singing, amusing, and constantly in need of play, entertainment and intense attention. Parrot morphological traits The length of the parrot ranges between 10-100 cm, and its weight usually ranges between 50 grams and a kilogram and a half, and it is possible for some species to weigh more than that. Fingers; Two of them are facing forward, and two facing back, enable a secure grip.

Parrot facts

Parrot is a group of birds that are characterized by their slow and noisy, as it belongs to the family of parrot (Psittacidae), which contains 333 species divided into several sub-families, the largest of which is the African Parrot family (Psittacinae), and parrot has been kept in cages since ancient times; This is because they are entertaining and intelligent birds, as they make an amazing imitation of many sounds, including the human voice , and are also characterized by being mostly affectionate, and it is worth noting that the greatest diversity of prostitution is found in South America and Australia.

The age of the parrot : fact

Parrot enjoy a long life period of up to 120 years, one of the longest periods of life, but the period of the life of this bird vary according to types, it amounts to the average age of a parrot - Dura (Budgerigars) , which reaches a length of 17.8 cm between 5 to 8 years; Some of them may live between 10 to 12 years, and the average life span of a Cockatiels parrot (Cockatiels), which reaches a length of 30.5 centimeters, ranges from 15 to 20 years, while the large parrot of the Macaw (Large Macaws) may live 40 years or more, as well as the parrot African Grays, which measure 25.4 to 35.5 centimeters in length; It may live for more than 40 years as well.

Parrot species

There are several types of parrot, and here are some of them: African Gray Parrot ( African Gray Parrot): It is a 33 cm long parrot, weighing 400 grams, and can live from 40 to 50 years, and feed on cooked beans and legumes , sunflower seeds, and others, and is characterized by dark gray feathers, and a tail red. [5] The Amazon Yellow Crown Parrot ( Yellow-headed Amazon): It is an endangered parrot, as there are less than 7,000 birds around the world, and this type of parrot lives in the slope of the Pacific Ocean in Mexico, in the Caribbean slope, and others, as it often resides In deciduous or evergreen forests, or savannah forests and other places. Hawk-Headed Parrot ( Hawk-Headed Parrot): It is a 35-centimeter parrot with a weight of 190 to 277 grams, and it can live for about 30 years, while it feeds on apples, pears , oranges, cactus fruits, pomegranates, and others This species is found in the north of the Amazon River from Amapá, northeast Brazil, and Guyana to eastern Venezuela, among others, and it is also endemic to lowland rainforests. [7] Eclectus parrot (Eclectus Parrot): It is 35 cm long, with a weight of 450 to 600 grams, and can live for more than 50 years, and feed on fruits, vegetables, seeds, and settle forests, coconut farms, eucalyptus forests, and others. Palm Cockatoo: It is a parrot whose length ranges from 51 to 64 cm, and its weight ranges between 910 to 1,200 grams, and it can live from 40 to 60 years, and feed on wheat, corn, fruits, sunflower seeds, nuts, And others, it is also endemic to the lowlands, the edge of forests, and seasonal forests, among others. Cockatiel parrot : It is a parrot whose length ranges from 29 to 33 centimeters, and its weight ranges between 80 to 100 grams, and its life can reach 20 years, and it feeds on small seeds, such as buckwheat , safflower, and certain types of seeds Sunflowers, and others. It also inhabits semi-arid lands. Red-shoulder Macaw (Black-headed parrot): It is a 30-centimeter parrot, and its weight ranges from 130 to 170 grams, and its age ranges between 25 to 40 years, and it feeds on sunflower seeds, and on nuts after cracking, pine nuts, and corn Fresh, etc., as it is endemic to forested areas. Black-headed parrot: It is a 23-centimeter parrot, whose weight ranges from 130 to 170 grams, and its age ranges between 25 to 40 years, and it feeds on safflower, cooked or soaked beans, and fresh vegetables such as carrots, and others It is also endemic to tropical forests and savannahs.

Parrot species

There are many types of parrots around the world whose numbers exceed 350, as they multiply in the spring and autumn to lay white eggs whose numbers may range from two to 4 eggs for large parrots, or 8 eggs for small parrots, which in turn hatch after 30 days and remain in their nests for a period not exceeding four months, and these birds may live for very long years, and among the types of parrots in the world are: Macaw parrot, which is the largest of the parrots in terms of size. Australian king parrot. The Amazon Parrot, which is one of the most famous talking species. Golden parrot. Carolina parakeet. Irish parrot. Quaker Parrot. But in this article, we will talk about the green parrot, and its types.

Types of green parrot

All parrots that fall under the green parrot family are distinguished by their bright green colors, and the following are their types: Barket with green cheeks: which is characterized by its small size, reaching a length of 26 cm, and a weight of between 60 to 80 g, and its source is the forests of southern Africa, its main color is green, especially in the area of ​​the cheeks, as well as gradients of other colors, namely: brown , Black, gray on his crown, white on his neck in addition to blue on his wings, in addition to the red color in the chest area, and it is indicated that males and females coincide in external appearance. The green bismarck parrot: It is small in size, but it is threatened with extinction, and is distinguished by its bright green color in the front areas of its body. Green Parakeet: It is a medium-sized parrot, of its origin from the Central American regions, and its length reaches 32 cm. Green Tasmanian Parrot: It was originally from the island of Tasmania, its length reaches 14.5 cm, the majority of it is green in color with other colors such as black and yellow in the chest area, in addition to blue and red. Green-tailed parrot: It was originally from the Philippines, but it currently lives in tropical forests. Males of this family are distinguished by their green and yellow color, while the females are mostly green with a little yellow. Tropical green parrot: its length is 12 cm, and its weight is about 23 g.It is one of the smallest types of parrots in the world, which is distinguished by its short tail, it has a bright green color, with a slight blue hue in the wings, and the yellow color on the head. Green and red parrot: Their length ranges from 90 to 95 cm, and their weight may reach more than 1700 g, and it is predominantly green and red.

Budgie breeding Parrots are jealous birds, so their breeders are keen to separate them into two groups, one for males and another for females, and despite the diversity of parrots in the world, they share some external characteristics, which are represented in their large head and strong beak, which they use to eat their food, which may be Fruits, legumes or grains, nuts, etc., in addition to the curved claws that you use to move, move and stabilize on tree branches or swings that are hung in the cage, in addition to the thick tongue, as for their lengths, they range between 10 and 100 cm.

Tips for caring for and feeding your budgie

Wash fruits and vegetables well before serving them.

Avoid serving hot peppers. Avoid serving some types of foods, such as avocados, chocolate, alcohol, caffeine-rich items, ornamental plants, and items rich in fats, sugars and salt.

Introduce food gradually, get used to it for three days, then change it to fruits or grains. Feed it by hand after starving it so that it accepts its owner and becomes familiar with it.

Mix the grains with sand made of small shells until they stick to them, in order to facilitate the process of digestion.

Take your budgie out of the cage on a daily basis, and take it out in the sun early in the morning. Spray the parrot with warm water spray by using a special spray for that. Put it down with a jumping buddy.

Provide a balanced diet of fruits, vegetables and grains. Changing drinking water continuously, to maintain its cleanliness, and to clean drinking vessels.

Provide a large cage with a good area, to facilitate its movement, and to provide adequate protection from the sun and wind. Wash it with clean water.

Providing bulgur with various types of food, to facilitate the digestive process. Clean the cage frequently to prevent any insects from multiplying.

Seeing the doctor in the event of illness or any injury. Shortening her claws at the vet.

Parrot species

There are many types of parrots, up to 353 species, and some of its types are able to imitate sounds, and what is very intelligent, and what can use the feet in order to transport food and catch it instead of clinging to branches and climbing on the branches, and the parrot is distinguished by its ability to use its upper jaw for attachment With swings and branches attached to its cages, parrot is a non-migratory bird that builds its nests in tree holes, and parrots are known to be faithful birds, so that the two spouses do not separate from each other for life, and neither of them marry again, and one of the most famous types is his divorce. What follows: Budgie parrot. Indian parrot. African gray parrot. Amazon parrot.

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