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50 Most dangerous dog breeds | AGGRESSIVE DOGS

Most dangerous dog breeds

Guys, in today's article we will talk about most dangerous dog breeds in the world, and some other safest breeds. So keep reading, you will have more knowledge about dogs.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Nowadays, many countries have specific legislation on the possession of potentially dangerous dogs. This is why it is more and more common for people to wonder which are the most dangerous dogs in the world before embarking on the adoption process, especially when it comes to a robust dog whose  presence is imposing at first sight.

Most dangerous dog breeds

This type of classification generates great controversy, as a dog's behavior is not determined by its breed. Nevertheless, although genetic inheritance can influence a dog's temperament, the socialization of the puppy and the education offered by its family are the determining aspects. Therefore, beyond promoting stereotypes about certain breeds of dogs, the most important aspect of responsible dog ownership is awareness of the need to educate and socialize dogs from an early age and to  provide them with essential health care.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Read : take your dog to the beach

Any dog, regardless of breed, sex, age or lineage, can exhibit aggressive behavior and end up posing a risk to other individuals in its environment when it is the victim of poor education from its environment, family and / or when it is subject to a negative environment in which it will not be able to develop and build itself in safety and confidence.

So, what we offer in this new article is a list of dog breeds that are considered potentially dangerous in the majority of countries and communities that have approved specific legislation to guide and control dog ownership.  with overdeveloped musculature and overpowered jaws. What are the most dangerous dog breeds in the world?  Find out more!

Most dangerous dog breeds

Why is my dog so aggressive?

There is a plethora of reasons why a dog could behave badly. Some might be possessive of items such as food, bones, and toys. When they are afraid or cornered, others behave badly. They could bite to protect themselves. It is typical for malignant behavior to occur in dogs that have not been properly socialized. If your dog feels that he is not receiving stimulation, it can cause violence. If a dog has not been spayed, then it could behave badly.

Grunts, chattering of teeth, a round back, and more pronounced whites of the eyes often signal a biting behavior.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Are pitbulls dangerous?

The Pit Bull has become the most dangerous dog breed, accounting for 66 percent of all deaths recorded by in the 13-year interval between 2005 and 2018. Known for their instincts, they have strong jaws, and it is extremely difficult to get them to let go when they sink in the teeth. They will need to be socialized and trained when they are young to avoid any danger. Many men and women consider them to be companion dogs, and owners are said to have contributed to many prejudices against Pit Bulls. As an example, they were used in dog fights. Keep in mind that there are limitations and some prohibitions are in effect in some countries.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Most dangerous dog breeds list

▪️German Shepherd
▪️American Bulldog
▪️Siberian Husky

▪️American Pit Bull Terrier

Unfortunately, pitbulls have suffered the most from the bad reputation attributed to the majority of dogs considered potentially dangerous. This is due, in the majority of cases, to irresponsible management on the part of the family of the dog in question. As we will see from the list, many of these furry are classified among the most dangerous dog breeds in the world.

The American Pit Bull Terrier (APBT) dog is one of the most famous in the world.  Despite the endless number of myths that exist about the Pit Bull, what is true is that he is a friendly, active, fun and balanced dog who loves to feel welcomed and loved within a nucleus family. When they are educated and socialized from a young age, they can get along very well with children and live peacefully with other animals.

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In fact, a study carried out by the American Temperament Society, in which more than 400 dog breeds were analyzed, revealed that the AOBT is one of the most tolerant dogs. Its test results are very similar to those obtained by dogs considered stable and familiar, such as the Golden Retriever and the Beagle.


For its large size, muscular and massive body or jaw power, the Rottweiler is considered one of the strongest dogs in the world. Nevertheless, his impactful presence conceals a calm, sure, very courageous and loyal character towards his family. These dogs tend to form a very special bond with members of his human family that he will not hesitate for a single second to defend.

Its morphological characteristics and the irresponsibility of some guardians have made the Rottweiler considered a potentially dangerous dog in many countries. However, he is one of the 10 most obedient and intelligent dogs in the world.


Known as "staff", is related to the pitbull. So, like many other bull type terriers, like the Staffordshire Bull Terrier and the English Bull Terrier are among the most dangerous dogs in the world.

Read : how many years do dogs live

Some of these breeds were created in order to participate in dog fights, which has contributed to their current bad reputation. However, when socialized from an early age and properly educated through positive reinforcement, these dogs show balanced behavior and learn to respect house standards to cohabit harmoniously with their family members.


▪️Tosa inu

The Tosa Inu, also called "Japanese Tosa", is a large dog with impressive robustness, well-developed musculature and powerful jaws.  Its high body and harmonious lines give it an elegant appearance, but for its strength and morphological characteristics, the Tosa Inu is considered to be one of the most dangerous dogs in the world.

However, his character is balanced, daring and affectionate with his family, he tends to establish positive bonds with children, always from the moment he has received a good education which will allow him to assimilate the norms of the home and  games. But in the presence of strangers, the protective instinct causes the Tosa Inu to behave in a suspicious manner, which makes socialization one of the most important things to consider when adopting a dog of this breed.

▪️Alaskan Malamute
▪️Argentinean Mastiff
▪️Wolf hybrid

▪️Caucasian Shepherd

The Caucasian Shepherd, also as a Caucasian Shepherd, is a Russian breed of dog of the Molossoid type that finds its origins in the regions crossed by the Caucasus Mountains, this dog is especially famous in Russia, Armenia, Georgia and Azerbaijan. Originally these hairy were trained as shepherd dogs to protect and guide the flocks, as well as to guard and defend the properties of their families.


▪️Fila Brasileiro

The Fila Brasilerio is one of the most famous Brazilian dog breeds worldwide, whether for its great physical condition or for being part of the lists of the most dangerous dogs in the world.  These dogs have a strong personality and their temperament is somewhat complex, but that doesn't mean they are aggressive. A behavior problem, like aggression, should not be confused with a dog's character trait.

In his family nucleus, the Fila Brasileiro is an affectionate and devoted dog towards his family that he loves, showing, moreover, an infinite patience with the children. But in the presence of strangers, this dog, for its territorial instinct and protector of the family, will be suspicious. This is why it is a breed of dog recommended for experienced guardians who have the time and patience to provide them with optimum education from their first months of life. In addition, socializing from an early age will be key for your fila brasileiro to learn to make positive connections with the individuals and stimuli that make up their environment.

▪️Presa Canario
▪️Pit Bull...
▪️St. Bernard
▪️Great Dane
▪️Chow Chow
▪️Belgian Malinois
▪️Pakistani Bulldog
▪️Cocker Spaniel
▪️The Saint Bernard
▪️Gull Dong

🔸The Dogo Argentino

The Dogo Argentino is the only dog ​​breed from Argentina that has not become extinct. This mastiff-type hound attracts attention for its powerful appearance, its well-developed musculature, and its entire white coat (although a spot, which is not more than 10% of the surface area of ​​its head, of color is allowed).  dark around the eye).

The ancestors of the Argentine Mastiff are the Cordoba fighting dogs, now extinct, which were widely used for dog fighting in the Argentine province of Cordoba at the beginning of the 20th century.  Nevertheless, Dr. Antonio Nores Martinez decided to cross them with other breeds in order to optimize their strength and resistance while optimizing the stability of their character. It is assumed that the current Dogo Argentino is influenced by Pointer, Great Dane, Bull Terrier, Boxer, English Bulldog and Pyrenean Mastiff.

Despite its past as a big game fighting and hunting dog, the Argentine Mastiff, thanks to its affectionate and loyal temperament, has adapted well to the routine of a companion dog. These hairy people create a very special bond with his family, whom he will protect and adore thanks to his characteristic kindness and courage.  When given the opportunity to socialize from a young age, they are very patient dogs with whom they will play for long periods of time, and tolerant with other animals.

🔸The Tibetan Mastiff

The Tibetan Mastiff is a very ancient giant dog, its birth is associated with the nomadic shepherds of the Himalayas and the monasteries of Tibet, where they were trained to perform guard and protection functions. Its strength, sturdiness and abundant fur are certainly the most striking characteristics of this canine breed, whose FCI standard characterizes as being of solemn appearance and majestic strength.

If you are thinking about adopting a dog of this breed, you should know that the Tibetan Mastiff is an independent dog. Logically, this does not mean that he does not enjoy the company of his human family. Quite the contrary: he is a quiet dog, whose protective spirit leads him to experience a relationship of extreme loyalty with his family.  He will need you to respect his autonomous character. In addition, socialization from an early age will be key in the education of the Tibetan Mastiff as it tends to be a barking and territorial dog due to its background as a guard dog.

Most safest dog breeds list

▪️American Eskimo Dog...
▪️Cavalier King Charles Spaniel
▪️Bernese Mountain Dog
▪️Boston Terrier
▪️Golden Retriever
▪️Irish Setter
▪️Brussels Griffon...
▪️Soft Coated Wheaten Terrier
▪️Bichon Frise
▪️Cocker Spaniel

Keep learning : most dangerous dog breeds

What are the most dangerous dogs?

▪️1 German Shepherd

The German Shepherd is a former sheepdog. It is the breed of canines that lists the most bites in France. However, along with the Labrador, he is the most common dog in the dog population. This hound can develop incredible power and requires constant attention. It can be led to bite when it senses danger or when it wants to protect its owner or its territory.

▪️2 Beauceron

He too is a former sheepdog. Today, it is common to see Beaucerons employed as guard dogs. In the case of this breed of dog, it is essential that the master of the animal imposes his domination during training. Otherwise, the canine can quickly gain the upper hand and its education can quickly become difficult. It is a large animal and can sometimes be abrupt even when trying to play with you.

▪️3 Rottweiler

The education of the Rottweiler is very long. He doesn't like to be dominated and if he gets the upper hand over you, he can quickly become aggressive. The power of its jaw can have catastrophic consequences in the event of a bite.

▪️4 The Belgian Shepherd

The intelligence and loyalty of the Malinois make him the police dog par excellence. It is a canine breed that is easy to train. However, the Belgian Shepherd can also have mood swings which can be dangerous. It is important that he receives a strict education and that he can exert himself as much as possible to avoid accidents.

▪️5 The Braque

The exceptional endurance and tenacity of the Braque make him a recognized hunting dog. Patient and calm by nature, he can become dangerous if he evolves in a stressful environment. This dog asks to have space so that he can exercise. The confinement and isolation make him aggressive.

▪️6 The Pittbull

When we speak of a "dangerous dog", the Pitbull is the first dog breed that comes to mind. This is due to his image as a fighting dog of old. Although his bites are not frequent, they often have dramatic consequences. Often exaggerated, the jaw power of this mountain of muscles is still 17 kg / cm²! It is barely two and a half times less than that of the shark (42 kg / cm²).

▪️7 American staffordshire terrier

dangerous dog breed Used, too, for old fights, this dog is still the victim of its bad reputation. He is a rather independent dog who likes to exercise. Take care that his passion does not lead to risky behavior.

A pledge of robustness and intelligence, he is rather calm by nature. Be careful though, when staffordshire is abused, they become very aggressive.

▪️8 The Tibetan Mastiff
The size of the Tibetan Mastiff is halfway between dog and bear. Rather rare in France, it is an attack dog that can reach 80 kilos. He is calm and lazy by nature. But beware ! His protective instinct can make him very aggressive . It is also subject to special restrictions in France, because of its unusual physical characteristics.

▪️9 The Doberman Pinscher
Often confused with the Rottweiler, the Doberman Pinscher is the police dog of yesteryear.

It is a faithful loving and protective animal. Known for his bravery, the Doberman Pinscher can be a great deterrent to your potential aggressors. However, his fearful character prompts him to see danger where there is none. He can attack if he feels his master is in danger.

▪️10 The Alaskan Malamute

dangerous dog malamute Often confused with the Husky, the Malamute is a solitary and independent dog. He is not very social with other canines. He loves to disobey and his training can be very long and requires regular booster shots.

This dog can't stand agitation. Cohabitation with children can therefore be very complicated.

▪️11 Great Dane

Great Danes could be harmful if they are not socialized and trained. But for most owners, these dogs are like gentle giants. Although they were originally bred to hunt wild boar, they are domesticated and often get along with other creatures and people. With their dimensions, they could be intimidating. If they perceive a threat to their loved ones, they can become aggressive. Because they can be quite demanding, you need to be prepared to provide your dog with a lot of attention and love.

▪️12 Wolf hybrids
As you would expect for dogs crossed with gray wolves, they have quite a temper and the United States responded by placing them on a list of dangerous dog breeds. You want to make sure that you have the necessary expertise if you are thinking about adopting one. They are not the best option for families with children who are young or individuals who cannot handle their aggression. Each wolfdog has a different character and they are more likely to be competitive if they have more wolves than dogs in their own genetic makeup. When they reach maturity, they can become even more unpredictable. You need to be with your dog most of the time, and he might not be the ideal companion dog.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Why are dogs so violent?

How to classify dangerous dogs? Well, certain factors decide it. There are a few organizations that have accumulated data in this area such as the Center for Disease Control & Prevention (CDC) and also to name a few.

How to Reduce Aggression in Dogs

If you have an aggressive dog, you need to take steps to control it. Many dogs have triggers. If you understand what is causing it, you will be in a better position to take care of it. A trainer or professional animal behaviorist can help. You shouldn't try to deal with it yourself. It could help you determine exactly what action is needed and develop a strategy. The details of this plan depend on the cause of your dog's aggression. If you try to respond to your dog's aggression with punishment, hitting, crying, or other negative methods, you risk making the problem worse.

Sometimes training is probably not enough on its own. Some animals may need medication to deal with the problem. This is true when the aggression is related to anxiety stress or nervousness. In more severe conditions you have to ask yourself if you will have the capacity to care for a dog like this. You may need to find a new home for your dog if you can't deal with his problem.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Most dangerous dog breeds statistics

According to the Dog Breed website, statistics collected over the past 20 years by the American Veterinary Association have made it possible to take stock of the most feared dog breeds.

This report does not include any analysis of the circumstances surrounding the incidents or the provoking factors. But based on the number of attacks reported and the number of fatalities incurred, the report still reveals a trend that is important to be aware of.

Here in ascending order are the breeds judged to be feared if you face them.


This dog is usually affectionate and has a good temperament. With seven fatalities under his belt in 20 years, it's correct to say that the danger in this dog hurting someone is his size and strength.


Known for its aggression, the Doberman has been used as a guard dog for years. The report states that most of the 9 people who succumbed to the bites of these dogs, occurred while they were defending their master. This dog is very loyal.

This is no surprise to anyone. The Pit Bull is the deadliest dog to have killed 66 people in 20 years. While most Pit Bulls owners have nothing but praise for this dog who is not the original, in no way malicious, it is imperative that the animal is properly trained.

Unfortunately, this breed is at the mercy of the wicked who use it under vile circumstances.

Yes, this dog has the power to be extremely dangerous. But in good hands and well trained, he is one of the most adorable canines to be found on earth. And he is the only one able to give a real smile!

However, this breed is banned in Miami-Dade County, Florida.

Most safest dog breeds

🔸The Welsh Corgi: In addition to being the favorite dog of the Queen of England, the Welsh Corgi is absolutely everywhere on Instagram  ! No wonder that because in addition to being one of the cutest dogs, he is also very robust, active and funny (sometimes at his expense).

🔸The Bernese Mountain Dog: 

This magnificent little dog with the appearance of a teddy bear is one of the favorite dogs of the French . And honestly, we love it too! He is kind, affectionate, loyal and just that, it makes you crack!

🔸The Chow-chow: This super cute dog breed is able to dethrone the Bernese Mountain Dog in the big teddy bear category. Who has not already wanted to hug these real little stuffed animals full of hair?

🔸The Newfoundland: 

Another bushy little dog who, babies and adults alike, seem like real little teddy bears. He could however appear in our category of small energy balls as long as in addition to being one of the cutest dogs this big teddy bear is active and enduring.

How to choose suitable accommodation for your dog and how to choose a suitable dog for your accommodation? The answers to these two questions are endless. What should guide your choice is above all your way of life and the very nature of your animal, whether it is its breed or its character.

Living with a dog in a house

Living in a house with a garden is a great asset when it comes to adopting a dog. But this is not the essential condition for him to be happy.

Without a doubt, a house dog will appreciate being able to benefit from a green space to run as he pleases or even to do his business. But what counts above all for a dog, even the most independent, is the human presence ! The pack instinct will always be stronger than the m² that you can offer your animal.

Having a garden can be a plus for potty training . You can more regularly offer to go out. On the other hand, it will be necessary to regularly collect its small gifts in the lawn ... Unless you teach it not to defecate in your garden but outside in suitable places. It will also be a good opportunity for him to meet his fellows.

In any case, it will be preferable to indicate the presence of a house dog on your property . If so, this could have a favorable influence for justice and your insurance.

You move into a house with your dog
Whatever the type of housing, the dog's adaptation to his new environment may take more or less time depending on your lifestyle and the character of your companion.

This is because dogs like to live according to a routine and may have difficulty adjusting to a new walking pace or a new space. But with a little preparation, moving with your dog isn't too complicated.

Adopt a house dog

The choice of breed will not be easier if you live in a house with a large garden. You will need to answer the following questions to make your choice:

Am I going to be sufficiently present at home?

Most dangerous dog breeds

Will my dog sleep outside ?
Does my dog ​​have a lot of energy?
Does my dog ​​have the right to relieve himself in the garden?
Does my dog ​​bark often and could it disturb my neighbors ?
Is my dog ​​a runaway ? Are the outdoor spaces sufficiently secure?
If a puppy arrives, do I accept that it damages my plants and makes holes in the lawn?

Most dangerous dog breeds

Living with a house dog (or a house dog) will change your habits. You have to be sure of yourself before adopting.

How to live with a dog for an apartment?
Life in an apartment is quite possible for a dog. What really matters is being able to devote time to it and take it out regularly so that it can burn off its energy and be calm inside.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Neither your landlord nor the co-ownership manager can prohibit you from owning dogs in an apartment (with the exception of first category dogs which are prohibited). On the other hand, keeping an animal must not hinder the enjoyment and cleanliness of the premises. If your pet causes damage in your apartment or common areas or annoys your neighbors, you will be financially and criminally responsible .

The damage caused by your apartment dog depends on your civil liability , included in the comprehensive home insurance that we take out for his home.

Most dangerous dog breeds

You move in with dogs in an apartment
Whether you are moving from a house to an apartment or an apartment to another apartment, your dog will need some adjustment time. You will have to be careful to keep your habits as much as possible. Make sure you can give him the same attention, the same time out, especially if he is used to running in a garden and to reserve a space for him with his basket.

Which dog to choose for an apartment?
There is no ideal dog in an apartment, but some find it easier to adapt. Each dog has its own personality and its own needs: strong attachment to the owner, great need for activity, anxiety about loneliness ...

Most dangerous dog breeds

Here are some questions to help you choose the best apartment dog:

Are you sufficiently present at home ? Do you have a lot of free time to devote to walks?
Does your dog speak by barking? Make sure you don't disturb your neighbors with unwanted barking .
No garden = small dog for apartment? It's not just the size that matters! Large dogs like the Danes are quite lazy, while smaller dogs like Dachshunds and Jack Russels, which are hunting dogs, will have energy to spare.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Are there more suitable dogs? Choose a "house dog ". Apartment dogs are distinguished from others because they have less need for regular exercise and can easily refrain from defecating. Direct your choice towards a small calm dog for an apartment such as a Bichon, a Cavalier King Charles, a Poodle or a Pug. if you prefer larger breeds, the Shar-Pei or the Leonberger are also good apartment dogs.
Does your building have an elevator ? Short-legged dogs such as the Basset will have a harder time walking down the stairs, or even risk stepping on their drooping ears and injuring themselves. Likewise, the joints of puppies of large breeds (even for apartment dogs) must be spared the first year. Are you ready to bring your house dog if necessary?
Living in an apartment with a dog is no more restrictive than at home. It's all about education.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Apartment dog or house dog: how do you find the right accommodation for the right dog?
Whether in a house or in an apartment, for your dog to be happy under your roof, you must:

That your rhythms of life are compatible : if you are more athletic, choose a dog ready to follow you during your jogging. If you are home-like, prefer a quiet little dog for an apartment to snore at your feet. If you have children, avoid small dogs which are often less playful.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Whether you live near areas reserved for dogs : are dogs allowed to enter parks and forests near you? This is the best place for your animal to stretch its legs and meet fellow creatures.
Whether you are available for him: play, caress, education ... It is not the view from the window that counts for your dog but the possibility of spending all his time by your side!

Most dangerous dog breeds

Are domesticated dogs dangerous?

It is not always easy to take care of pets, including dogs, and sometimes their presence at home poses health risks to the elderly. If an elderly person has problems with walking and stability, the pet can get under his feet or jump and lead to a fall and this fall and broken bones represents A real danger, and there are also health risks associated with pet ownership, they can carry parasites that can be transmitted to humans, and their feces contain all kinds of bacteria that can make a person sick, and dogs can also cause allergic reactions in some people, people should be aware that dogs at any age, including puppies, can sometimes carry harmful Jrathima can make people sick, and can cause germs of dogs a variety of diseases Ka skin infections simple to serious diseases.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Keep reading the article most dangerous dog breeds here

Are Bull Terriers dangerous dogs?

In my opinion all dogs are dangerous, and in the same time all dogs are safe, in fact the moments and causes  those affect the dog's reaction.

One of my Friends "Laurie camp" answer for this question :

"" I don't believe there's not warning signs. i feel tons of attacks are thanks to irresponsible or simply plain stupid people. Especially with the bully breeds. I even have owned 3 pit bulls. My 1st one sadly gave up the ghost at 16, my other 2 are 13 years old and 9 months old. Although all 3 have very different personalities and are different mixes ( red nose, Staffordshire and therefore the puppy may be a blue) all of them have all share similar traits:

Most dangerous dog breeds

They are very smart

They are a challenge to coach and need many patience and repetitive training
They have many energy
They are solid
They are strong as shit
They need tons of attention

Most dangerous dog breeds

They love very deeply which may even be territorial and possessive
People who get them without understanding any of the above are often faced with dogs who can easily become frustrated, destructive and than dangerous. These people don't respect that intelligence and strength find yourself with a potentially lethal dog. they do not skills to coach them or they abuse them or they struggle to prove how good they're . they permit children to abuse them, the youngsters do not know any different and than the dog gets pushed to its limit. These sorts of owners probably without intention do not know or recognize warning signs.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Many attacks

 if not all attacks are preventable. in fact there things that happen that are not expected. There are illnesses and pains that an owner might not remember of because the bully breeds are known to be ready to tolerate tons of pain. Like with any animal including humans there are those born with something psychologically wrong. a toddler could easily and unknowingly touch a neighborhood in pain which will cause the dog to react or provoke a dog without knowing. that would be any dog. Dogs are naturally protective of their young, their people, their home, their food, their toys….etc. 

Most dangerous dog breeds

Children don't understand and may easily cross a line that the owner won't even remember of. My friend's bulldog attacked her nephew because he walked right over to his food bowl while the dog was eating and visited pat him (teach kids never to try to to this. Ever) and therefore the dog probably thought he was close to take his food. the child did this together with his dogs and didn't know it doesn't work that way with every dog. The dog who never showed food aggression turned on the child and ripped at his face. nobody ever visited him as he ate. Here's a child he doesn't know reaching for his food…. No warning but that was a limitation that wasn't known at that.time. I assume my dogs might do that and caution anyone to go away them as they eat. Period.

Most dangerous dog breeds

I would say all dogs, all animals give warnings of distress which i might theorize is that the basis of most attacks. My male (the 13 year old) was very high energy and unstable when he was young. He was taken from his litter too early, he was caged and skilled 4 people once I got him at 3 months old. He's very big and was for the foremost part, unpredictable. 

Most dangerous dog breeds

Most of it my fault because I coddled him an excessive amount of , didn't socialize him enough… He became big in no time and his eyes always showed his craziness. They got huge. His tail would straighten. Those are warning signs. i might say all animals have warning signs that owners got to recognize. that is the only possible way to assist reduce the attacks. At 13, he's never hurt anyone and that is intentionally . i do know he could cause severe damage and that i take precautions to not give him the chance to harm anything.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Parents got to teach children that each one dogs won't answer them like their own dogs do. Dogs of all breeds got to be trained and properly cared for. enter any shelter or rescue and you'll see a high percentage of bully breeds there. Discarded, abused, deemed aggressive, on the list to be euthanized. they're special. they need unique needs except for the foremost part, my experience has been that they love immensely and are so smart. people that never have one won't ever understand that. people that get one for stupid reasons will never appreciate how amazing they're . they are not hard to know but it does take a special person to try to to right by them.""

Most dangerous dog breeds

Stay learning about most dangerous dog breeds in this article

Why are some dogs so dangerous?

Dogs are dangerous just In the case of biting.
So there are some biting effects below:

The incubation period for rabies usually extends from 2 to 3 months, but it may range from a week to a year, depending on factors such as where the virus entered the body and the viral load. Initial symptoms of rabies include a fever with pain and an unusual or unexplained feeling of tingling, tingling, or burning pain (paresthesia of the extremities) at the site of the wound. As the virus spreads into the central nervous system, a progressive and fatal infection occurs in the brain and spinal cord.

Most dangerous dog breeds

The disease takes two forms, as follows:

Irritant rabies, which leads to signs of hyperactivity, excitable behavior, hydrophobia (fear of water), and sometimes to aerophobia (fear of drafts or fresh air). Death occurs after a few days as a result of cardiac and respiratory arrest.
And paralytic rabies, which accounts for about 20% of all human cases. This form does not develop as a sudden as the irritable form, and it usually takes a longer course. Muscles become paralyzed gradually, starting at the site of the bite or scratch. The person slowly falls into a coma and eventually dies. The paralytic form of rabies is often misdiagnosed, which contributes to the incomplete reporting of the disease.

Most dangerous dog breeds


People usually become infected after being bitten or scratched deeply by infected dogs or animals, and human infections transmitted from infected dogs represent 99% of cases.

In the Americas, bats are now the leading cause of death from human rabies, as this region has successfully stopped most transmission of dog-borne infections. Rabies in bats is also an emerging threat to public health in Australia and Western Europe. Human deaths as a result of exposure to foxes, raccoons, skunks, jackals, mammals and other wild carnivores are rarely recorded, and rodent biting is not known as a cause of transmission of rabies infection.

Most dangerous dog breeds

The infection can also be transmitted when the saliva of infected animals comes into direct contact with the mucous membranes of humans or recent skin wounds. It was previously reported that rabies was transmitted by inhaling droplets containing the virus or by transplanting contaminated organs, but it only rarely occurs. Human transmission through biting is theoretically possible but has never been confirmed. This also applies to the transmission of infection to humans through the consumption of raw meat or milk from infected animals.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Rabies virus is a deadly virus that is transmitted to humans from the saliva of infected animals. The rabies virus is usually transmitted through bites.

Read : why dogs are better than cats

The animals most likely to spread rabies in the United States include bats, coyotes, foxes, raccoons, and skunks, while in developing countries in Africa and Southeast Asia, stray dogs are the most common transmitters of rabies to humans.

And when someone starts showing signs and symptoms of rabies, almost in all cases they end up dying, and for this reason, anyone who might be at risk of contracting rabies should receive rabies vaccines as a preventive measure.

Most dangerous dog breeds


The initial symptoms of rabies may be very similar to those of influenza and may last for days.

Later signs and symptoms may include:

Difficulty swallowing
Excessive salivation
Fear when trying to drink fluids; Because water is difficult to swallow

Most dangerous dog breeds

Partial paralysis
When to visit the doctor
Seek immediate medical attention if you are bitten by any animal, or if the animal is suspected of having rabies. Depending on your surgeon and the situation in which you have been exposed, with the help of your doctor, you can decide if you should receive treatment to prevent rabies.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Even when you are not sure if you have been bitten, seek medical attention. For example, a bat that is flying in your room might bite you while you sleep without waking you up. So if you wake up and find a bat in your room, assume it has bitten you. Likewise, if you find a bat near someone who cannot report that they have been bitten, such as a small child or someone with special needs, assume that the person has been bitten.

the reasons

Rabies infection is caused by the rabies virus. The virus is spread through the saliva of infected animals. Infected animals may spread the virus by biting another animal or person.

In rare cases, rabies may spread when infected saliva enters an open wound or mucous membrane, such as the mouth or eyes. This may happen if an infected animal licks an open wound on your skin.

Animals that can transmit rabies virus
Any mammal (an animal that breastfeeds its young) can transmit the rabies virus. The animals most likely to transmit the rabies virus to humans include:

Most dangerous dog breeds

Pets and farm animals
the cats
The horses
wild animals
The bat
The Coyotes
the Fox
In rare cases, the virus has been transmitted to people who receive organ or tissue transplants from an infected organ.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Risk factors

Factors that can increase the risk of developing rabies include:

Traveling to or living in developing countries where rabies is most common, including countries in Africa and Southeast Asia
Activities that potentially cause you to come into direct contact with wild animals that may be infected with rabies, such as exploring caves where bats live or camping without taking prior precautions to keep wild animals away from camp
Working in the lab with the rabies virus
Wounds to the head or neck, which may help the rabies virus pass to the brain more quickly
To reduce the risk of contact with rabid animals:

Vaccinate your pets. Cats, dogs and rodents can be vaccinated against rabies. Ask your veterinarian how often your pets should be vaccinated.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Keep your pets locked up. 

Keep your pets indoors and supervise them when outside. This will help prevent your pets from coming into contact with wild animals.
Protect small pets from predators. Keep rabbits and other small pets; Like guinea pigs, indoors or in cages so that they are safe from wild animals. These small pets cannot be vaccinated against rabies.
Report stray animals to local authorities. Contact animal control officials or other local law enforcement organizations to report stray dogs or cats.
Do not approach wild animals. Wild animals with rabies may appear unafraid of humans. It is unnatural for wild animals to be friendly with humans, so stay away from animals that do not seem fearful.
Avoid having bats in the house. Seal any cracks or gaps that the bats can get in. If you know there are bats in the house, work with a local expert to find ways to keep bats out of the house.
If you are traveling, don't forget the rabies vaccination. If you are traveling to a country where rabies is common and are planning to stay there for a long time, ask your doctor if you should receive the rabies vaccination.

This includes traveling to remote areas where medical care is difficult to find.

Most dangerous dog breeds

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What should I do if an animal bites me?

Immediately wash the wound with soap and water. This is the best way to lower your chances of infection.

See a doctor as soon as possible. The doctor will treat the wound and decide if you need a rabies vaccination .

If you've been exposed to rabies in the past few months, he will likely run a number of tests (saliva, blood, spinal fluid, skin and hair) to check for the presence of rabies virus or antibodies.

Most dangerous dog breeds

If your doctor suspects rabies, he or she will begin treatment with a preventive vaccine. The vaccine is always successful if given immediately after exposure to the virus.

You will receive one dose of a fast-acting rabies immune globulin, which will prevent you from contracting the virus. Then you'll get four rabies vaccinations over the next 14 days.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Rabies treatment

After exposure to the rabies virus, you can have a series of injections to prevent infection. Immunoglobulin, which gives you an instant dose of rabies antibody to fight infection. Then, to receive the rabies vaccine, it is given in a series of five doses over a period of 14 days.

If the animal that bitten you is found, it can be tested to confirm that it has rabies. If the animal does not have rabies, you can avoid a big round of vaccinations. And if the animal is not found, the safest way is to have preventive vaccinations.

Getting the rabies vaccination as soon as possible after an animal bite is the best way to prevent infection.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Doctors will treat the wound by washing it for at least 15 minutes with soap and water, detergent or iodine. Then, they'll give you a rabies vaccine and a round of rabies injection will start.

Side effects of rabies treatment
In rare cases, the rabies vaccine and immunoglobulin can cause some side effects, including:

Pain, swelling, or itching at the injection site




Muscle pain


Rabies prevention

Rabies is a preventable disease. There are some simple measures you can take to help you prevent rabies:

Get the rabies vaccination before traveling to developing countries, working closely with animals or working in a laboratory that deals with the rabies virus.

Vaccinate your pets.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Don't approach stray pets.

Never touch a wild animal - even if it appears dead.

You should report any signs of an infected animal to monitor local animals.

Provide basic dog supplies

Dogs can be raised by providing the necessary basic supplies, including a neck collar that identifies the dog's identity, food and water bowls, and chew toys, and a place for sleeping must be provided, in addition to the need to prepare well for the expenses associated with dog ownership, by creating a special budget And adhere to.

Most dangerous dog breeds

Maintaining the health of the dog

Dogs can be better raised at home by preserving their health, by presenting them to a veterinarian, as dogs, especially puppies, must be brought to the veterinarian during the first six months of his life in order to obtain basic sterilization vaccines, in addition to the veterinarian's main role in determining Any possible health problems for the dog, and thus better care for him.

Provide adequate food

Dogs are affected by the type of food provided to them, and that is why their food must be carefully and appropriately selected, especially those foods that are intended for them, as the American Nutrition Officials Association recommends the need to ensure dog food data, and that it meets special nutritional requirements, with the need to ensure the provision of fresh and abundant water at all times

And dogs can be fed several times a day according to their age by following the following points:

Dogs 6-12 weeks old, need four meals a day.

Dogs from 3-6 months old need 3 meals a day.

Dogs 6-12 months old need two meals a day. Train your dog to obey commands

The dog can be trained to obey voice commands in order to improve his behavior, and this is why these exercises can be started by making the sessions short, at the beginning, that is, about five minutes, then choosing one command each time it is taught, then moving on to other commands, where he can start teaching him words such as "no Or "stop."

Train the dog not to bite

The dog must be trained and taught to avoid biting, because dogs, especially small puppies, begin to explore things around them through the mouth, and thus he will try to bite and chew everything he sees, and for this he must be told about not biting and give him a chewing game, this will help him link this behavior to games instead of Fingers, for example.


So that's all you need to know linking to most dangerous dog breeds. Don't forget to comment with your best dogs breeds you prefer from the list above.

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