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The best types of chickens for breeding

The best types of chickens for breeding

The best types of chickens for breeding

There are many types of chickens that are recommended to be raised at home, including the following:


 Astralorp can be traced back to Australia, where it is available in black, white, or blue colors, and is a great choice for breeding, whether for the purpose of obtaining meat or eggs, as it lays about 250 brown eggs annually, and more Its distinguishing feature is its ease of care.


is characterized by a beautiful shape, a friendly social personality, in addition to the possibility of benefiting from eggs, as it lays about 200 brown eggs per year, and it is worth noting that this type of chicken is available in blue, purple, black, and white, Yellow-orange, here you should be careful; Because feathered feathers can make them an easy target for predators, they weigh around 3.64 kg.

Easter chickens: 

lay eggs in cheerful and beautiful colors, which are green, blue, or pink, but their production of eggs is considered little compared to other breeds.

Plymouth Rock chickens:

 one of the most famous dual-purpose chicken breeds known for breeding , is a calm breed, and is distinguished by its physical strength and love for freedom, in addition to its availability in many colors, such as: black, blue, silver, yellow-orange, and white, It lays about 280 eggs annually.


is a beautiful, curious bird, in addition to being a dual-purpose species, which lays about 250 eggs per year in varying shades of light brown, and the spotted type is more popular than other colors in the United States.

Wyandotte: This type of chicken is available in different colors such as blue, gold, and silver, as it is a dual-purpose breed, and lays about 200 eggs annually, and weighs about three kilograms.

The best types of chickens for breeding

Brahma: The Brahma is a strong, large, and calm breed that works well in cold or humid climates, and lays about 150 eggs per year. Jersey Giant: The Jersey Giant was named so due to its very large size, and is available in black, white, and blue colors, and is a dual-purpose one, as it lays about 260 brown eggs annually. Leghorn is a producer that lays around 280 white eggs annually, and performs well, especially in warm climates. Because of its great crest, and its weak construction.

The star: also known as the black star, and the red star, is considered a hybrid subspecies. It is not officially recognized and lays about 260 brown eggs annually.

Requirements for raising chickens

Before starting to raise chickens at home, there is a set of things that must be provided, and they include the following:

Building a chicken cage containing containers for feed, containers for water, in addition to one nest for every three chickens, and the size must be large enough; To collect eggs, shovel dung out of them.

Providing water and food to the chickens on a daily basis, knowing that the amount of feed needed to feed the chickens varies according to the number.

Take care to clean and shovel chicken droppings all year round.

Providing a reliable person to take care of the chickens during the absence of the breeder.

Securing a large area so that the chickens can move, and spread their wings, so the more space the chickens enjoy happiness, and health more.

How do I know laying hens

Laying hens are distinguished from other types of chickens with some characteristics through which it is easy for you to differentiate them from low-egg or non-white hens, as the hen with high egg production has clear advantages, as the chicken breeder greatly helps the process of differentiating between high-production chickens from Eggs or low production, to exclude hens whose egg production is low, to save on the costs of their food and treatments. 

The best types of chickens for breeding

This process, in addition to the above, saves effort and money for the breeders of laying hens, and that is by reducing the food and feed costs that are covered by low-yielding hens and the costs of care, in addition to the vaccine and treatment, and in order to distinguish that, we present to you the characteristics of ideal laying hens, which are: Laying hens must be selected during the screening process, and this process takes place after about two months to 3 months, from the start of egg production and the process of selling the screening product and keeping the ideal layer chicken for production, through the formal specifications of the chickens that are commensurate with the length of the period Breeding, which is eighteen months, and during this period the laying hens need experience, good prevention and health care, as it helps to reduce mortality in the layer hens in addition to providing good fodder and suitable space for the chickens in the farm, so that every six hens needs approximately one square meter.

Through experience in selecting a good and high-yielding strain:

it is characterized by the following:

🔸That the distance between the two bones of the pelvis in the chicken is about three fingers, and for non-white hens, this distance is less.

🔸The space between the pelvic bones and the sternum is wide. In white chickens, the bones of the basin are soft, and you can bend them easily. As for non-white chickens, the bones are pointed.

🔸The collector opening is light, moist and wide, and non-white hens are dry and yellow.

🔸You can distinguish white hens by the fact that the crest in white hens is red and in non-white hens is not dull.

🔸In laying hens, the bill and legs are pale and light because it consumes a yellowish pigment in the production of eggs.

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