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How to learn horseback riding

How to learn horseback riding

How to learn horseback riding

In this blog post, we gonna talk about learn horseback riding in details, all you need to know as steps, basics and benefits. So be there and enjoy learning with us from scratch. Also you can find other articles those will help you understand your horse more deeper.

Horse riding

Man rode horses for thousands of years, and perhaps the oldest relationship that man has with other creatures is his relationship with horses. He, may God’s prayers and peace be upon him, said: “Horses are knotted in goodness on their ends until the Day of Resurrection.” And Omar bin Al-Khattab said: (Teach your children swimming, archery and horse riding) in an invitation from him to learn horse riding because of its great importance at that time, and horse riding in this Al-Ayyam is considered one of the important sports for which many competitions are held, whether local or international. Here's how to ride a horse for beginners.

Horse riding steps

🔸Steps to sit on the horse

Gently approach the horse to its side and let him know you are there. Traditionally, a horse rides on the left side, holding the bridle with your left hand, then turning the stirrup towards you with the right hand. Place your left foot in the stirrup and hold the saddle with the right Gently jump in the stirrups, swing your right leg over the horse, then sit on the saddle. While riding, be careful not to tighten the bridle Do not use the horse's neck to lift yourself on its back, as this action exposes the horse to the risk of injury and may frighten it.

🔸Balance on the horse's back

While sitting on the horse's back, you should always look forward, and keep your back and shoulders straight. A third of your shoes must be inside the stirrups. Place your thighs comfortably in the saddle, and you should have your weight evenly distributed across the horse's sides. Keep your heels low, and stabilize your legs well so that they do not move much forward, and sit so that your shoulder, hip and heels are in one line, and this is not easy as it needs strength in the abdominal area and because you are not used to it, you will tire quickly.

🔸Gripping the bridle

Make a fist in your hand and bring your thumb up, then place the bridle between your pinky and ring finger and pass it through the palm of your hand, then bend your thumb over the bridle and stabilize your arm at first. You will feel resistance when holding the bridle, do not pull it so as not to hurt the horse and do not use it to stabilize yourself. Comfortable to horse.

How to learn horseback riding

Horse riding basics

To walk, press both sides of the horse using the muscles of your legs, but gently to encourage the horse to walk, and to do so, press your heels down and in this way, your legs instinctively press on the horse.

To stop the horse, press gently on the bridle. To make the horse spin, press on the side you want it to turn towards. If you want the horse to turn to the right, press your right leg on the horse and vice versa.

To get the horse to trot, do the same thing as walking, but with a little more force.

As for the sprint, it can be learned after learning all the movements of walking because it is the most difficult steps.

The benefits of horseback riding

🔸Physical benefits

Horse riding gives the body many benefits on the physical level, the most prominent and important of which are the following:

Supports and strengthens the muscles of the body, so that they prevent various contractions and spasms.

It helps the body to make its reaction to things faster and better.

It increases the movement of various joints of the body.

Supports and strengthens the heart, as well as enhances and improves the work of various blood vessels in the body.

Stimulates the body's senses in an integrated way. It improves perception and visual specificity in relation to space.

It developed the human ability to assume responsibility, discipline, and patience. Increase a person's self-confidence.

It stimulates the ability of the body's internal organs to function.

How to learn horseback riding

It also has mental benefits for the body by developing mental skills, perception, and the ability to control matters.

Increase the number of calories consumed.

🔸Emotional benefits

Some may be surprised that there are emotional benefits to this sport, but this thing is scientifically proven, so that riding horseback riding on a person emotionally has many benefits, the most important of which are the following:

Riding a horse makes a person feel a sense of relaxation and comfort, through the presence of a beautiful friendly relationship between him and his horse.

Going to practice this sport, especially in groups, increases the spirit of cooperation and establishes different relationships that make people feel many positive emotions, and that is by going to train and learn sports in a special club for that, and then participate in races related to this sport.

A horse can be made a calm and peaceful friend in most cases, and this gives a person peace and a beautiful inner calm.

It is worth mentioning here that a group of studies and research has proven many important positive points for this sport, one of which showed that the secretion of the hormone adrenaline increases when riding horses, and another study showed that the heart rate improves, and this improves the metabolism inside the body, in addition to Considering this sport requires coordination and great balance. This, in turn, teaches a person how to maintain his balance and stability.

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