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Can cat eat cheese ? Facts

Can cat eat cheese

In this article we will explain to you in details if can cat eat cheese or not.

Can cat eat cheese

Cats can eat cheese, but in small quantities, because feeding your cat a large amount of this milky product may be toxic.

Although cats do not need cheese naturally, if your cat shows an interest in cheese, it is okay to offer a small amount of this delicious product.

Read : How to find lost cat

Cats are carnivores and require a lot of protein in their daily diet. Cheese is not a significant source of protein, but it is rich in fat, milk and cream. As with humans, too much fat can be harmful to your cat's health.

If you plan on feeding cheese to your cat, you should watch out for negative side effects such as an upset stomach. Adult cats are often lactose intolerant and should not eat cheese at all, so it is important to watch for any signs of distress if they do eat cheese.

Most cats are lactose intolerant. A cat's digestive system cannot process dairy products, and the result can be an upset digestive system with diarrhea.

Can cat eat cheese

Varieties of cat food available in the market

Dry food

Dry food on a lot of natural ingredients useful for the bodies of cats pills and their derivatives, meat, dairy products and fiber, ranging from the humidity in this type of food between 6-10%, has proved the effectiveness of dry food in Preserving the health of teeth and bones, and it may be desirable for many people due to its low cost, and the lack of possibility of corruption compared to that of other people. On the other hand, cats are mainly carnivorous, so the digestive system is not equipped to receive large quantities of the fibers and starches that are present in it. Semi-moist food Food semi - wet is the meat and its derivatives are the essential ingredient for such food, and the ratio of moisture which is almost 35%, and that the average cost, it is possible to contain amounts of sugar or salt in larger quantities of dry food It also contains food preservation chemicals and added colors. Canned food In canned food, the percentage of moisture in it is 75%, and it is the preferred type among cats, and the most expensive among other types. Of other species. It is possible that this form of food can cause some gum disease in cats.

Can cat eat cheese

Suitable food for cats

There are many types of foods suitable for cats, which are easy to prepare and present to them at home, including the following :

Red Meats : Cats by their nature prefer to eat red meat , and it must be served cooked for them. Either grilled or baked, or boiled, alone or with sauce (gravy), and may be added little to the mashed potatoes to the percentage increase potassium in the body, and reduce urine odors emanating from them in the house, they do not mind to provide meat and the portions of fat White because cats love it first, and because the nature of building their body requires an amount of fat to be in their daily diet. However, you should avoid offering raw meat to the cat. Because eating it increases its ferocity, and it must also be noted that there are few types of cats, such as the Shirazi, that hate to eat meat, and it is not appropriate for them to eat them at all.

Can cat eat cheese

Liver : Many people are keen to offer the cats liver because they know how much cats love it. It is able to eat a large amount of cooked liver, in addition to that, it is an essential source of nourishing the cat with essential vitamins and minerals.

White meats : such as chicken, rabbits, and fish. Chicken meat is a favorite food for the majority of cats, if offered her cooked or grilled or clip they too enjoy taking it , as is the white meat source cats supply of calcium needed to build her body, as well as the fish provide them with many nutritional elements such as phosphorus bombs, proteins, and vitamins.

Dairy products : cheese and milk are the most important foods suitable for cats. As cheese supplies them with calcium, fats and proteins, as well as milk is suitable food for cats in the first months of their life.

Spinach : It is a source of many vitamins, such as vitamin A, K, and C, and it is rich in iron and calcium minerals, just as spinach works to protect the lining of the digestive system from the damage caused by the urinary system. , He should avoid feeding him.

Eggs : eggs are a good source of protein and B vitamins , and they should be served cooked for the cat.

Melon : Melon contains a high percentage of anti-oxidants, as well as Beta-Carotene, which helps in maintaining the health of the eye skin.

Bananas : Bananas contain a high proportion of potassium and soluble fiber, which makes it a healthy light food for cats.

Oats : Oats are an important source of energy and vitamin B.

Bread : Bread is a good source of protein and fiber, but care must be taken in the amount administered. It should be small so as not to cause diarrhea.

Apple : Apples contain high proportions of fibers and vitamin C , which makes them a suitable food, taking into account the removal of the outer skin.

Raspberries : Raspberries are a good source of vitamins A and C.

Peas : The pea plant contains vitamin A, C, and fiber.

Can cat eat cheese

Food harmful to cats

There are many foods that pose a threat to the cat’s health, and among these foods :

Onions and garlic : It is considered very dangerous to give cats foods that contain onions and garlic. Because it contains sulfur compounds, which may cause red blood cells to break down, leading to anemia. Raw eggs : Be careful to cook eggs before serving them to anyone. To ensure that it is free of salmonella bacteria, just as the white of the egg contains a substance avidin, which works to stop the absorption of vitamin B.

Alcoholic drinks : 

Alcoholic drinks cause many problems for cats, including alcohol poisoning that can destroy their lives.

Caffeine : Caffeine increases the amount of urine, stimulates the nervous system, and speeds up the heartbeat. Chocolate is also considered a harmful substance to cats because it contains caffeine and theobromine that may cause the cat to die.

Raw fats : Meat and fish fats are among the most harmful foods for cats because of the problems they may cause such as vomiting, diarrhea, and inflammation in the pancreas, as raw fats contain an uncountable number of bacteria in them.

Grapes and raisins : Raisins are considered one of the foods harmful to cats due to the possibility of sudden kidney failure in cats, and among the most important symptoms that may appear on the cat within 24 hours, raisins and raisins are :

Candy : Sweets are considered harmful substances to cats because they contain xylitol, which can cause an increase in blood sugar, failure of liver function , and symptoms that may appear in cats.

Milk containing lactose : Since the cat is not able to break down and digest lactose when she reaches puberty, her consumption of milk containing lactose may cause her to become dehydrated.

Can cat eat cheese

Eat cats

Cats are pets that can be raised indoors, and there are many types of food that can be offered to them, and it is indicated that buying these foods is a practical, convenient and inexpensive way to maintain the health of cats, but sometimes it is possible to prepare food for cats at home, where there are Many popular and homemade recipes, including :

The Raw Diet (BARF): Also known as (ACBA), where the focus is on providing raw, chopped food to the cats, and it is important to ensure that the food is frozen. This is to avoid infection with parasites, or one of the pathogens.

Home-cooked food diet: Some cat owners choose this system in order to prevent cats from getting parasites, viruses or other pathogens, and food can be prepared and cut into cubes or grinded to make it easier for cats to eat.

Yogurt for cats

Can cat eat cheese or something such as Yogurt Yogurt is one of the most important food sources that must be relied upon in eating cats, and there are several benefits to it, as it can help facilitate the digestive process in cats if they suffer from digestive problems, and it is rich in calcium that is good for the bones and teeth of cats, where Helps to strengthen her tooth enamel, as it contains probiotics, which work to strengthen the cat's immune system, and natural full-fat milk can be searched for, with some additives such as: strawberry, blueberry, or vanilla, taking care to give the cats milk in a moderate way. And, make sure that the cat is not allergic to it.

Can cat eat cheese

Food that is good for cats

There are several types of foods that cats can eat, including : 

Meat: Cats can eat cooked beef, chicken, or turkey, but in small quantities, and it is indicated that they should not be served raw, so as not to harm the cat.

Whole grains: Cats can be fed some types of whole grains, such as: oats, corn, brown rice, wheat, and barley, after grinding them well.

Fish: Canned or cooked fish can be offered to cats, as it is rich in omega-3 fatty acids that are beneficial for them.

Types of prohibited foods

There are some foods that are preferred not to be presented to cats, namely :

Garlic and onions: Garlic and onions contain chemicals that harm the red blood cells of cats.

Uncooked eggs: Cats need eggs in small quantities, and raw eggs may expose cats to salmonella and pancreatitis, so it is best to offer cooked eggs to cats in small quantities.

Bones: Bones can cause choking in cats or blockage of the intestinal tract, which requires surgery.

Can cat eat cheese

Fats: Cats need the essential amino acids only found in meat, but before feeding them, be sure to remove all fats and not feed them to cats, because they cause digestive upset and pancreatitis.

Caffeine: Caffeinated drinks cause problems for cats, such as increased heart rate and agitation, and therefore it is preferable to keep cats away from coffee, tea, soda and chocolate, especially bitter.

Milk: Cats love milk, but they may develop an upset stomach, due to their intolerance to lactose present in milk once they reach puberty.

CONTINUE READING to know : Can cat eat cheese ? Home food for cats ?

Can cat eat cheese

Home food for cats


The cats of carnivores; Thus, eggs are useful foods for them because they contain protein and amino acids, but it is recommended to feed them in very small quantities, equivalent to only 10% of the total daily calories. An active cat who weighs approximately 4.5 kg needs from 150 to 200 calories per day only, noting that one egg contains about 90 calories.


Meat is a good source of protein. Therefore, it should be presented to cats with the aim of enhancing their heart health, improving vision, and maintaining a healthy reproductive system. Examples of meat that can be offered to cats are: Cooked beef, poultry, and turkey meat, but raw or spoiled meat may infect the cat with disease. Therefore, it is advised to avoid it.


Fish contains a high percentage of omega-3 fatty acids, and it contributes to maintaining sharp eyes for the cat, as well as protecting it from arthritis, kidney disease, and heart disorders, and in this context it is recommended to offer canned or cooked fish, and avoid serving raw fish, or meals. Containing raw fish such as sushi.

Can cat eat cheese

Dairy products

Milk and its products are good sources of protein, and although some cats are able to eat it without any health problems, dairy products are often classified among foods that are forbidden to cats. This is because many cats become sensitive to lactose upon reaching puberty, which may cause them to have diarrhea upon ingestion. Therefore, you must first offer a very small amount of cheese, yogurt, or sour cream to the cat, and note whether her digestive system will accept it or not, and you can also try offering low-lactose dairy products.


Although cats prefer meat and protein sources, vegetables are not at all harmful, and small portions of them can be offered to the cat , such as: cooked carrots, steamed asparagus, broccoli, green beans, squash, or chopped vegetables, after washing them Well, it is also advised to avoid indigestible vegetables; Like uncooked carrots.

Can cat eat cheese

Cat diseases

Cats are pets that many people like to own, due to their playful nature, and are considered intelligent animals that carry out their daily activities on their own, but at the same time they are exposed to many diseases that affect them and sometimes cause them death, including: fungi Loss of appetite, influenza, constipation, epilepsy, tooth loss and others, and loss of appetite is one of the common diseases among cats. Causes of loss of appetite in cats Repeating the same food for a long time, as cats get bored and bored eating the same food. Infection in cats with some diseases such as: intestinal worms, pancreatitis, and others. Cats infection of teeth and gums. Cats can ingest hair while cleaning their bodies and thus cannot eat. There is a change in the cat's eating regime, for example changing the dish in which the food is placed, or changing the house. Forcing cats to eat foods they do not want. Aging, as older cats have less desire to eat. Smell no smell in cats. Jealousy of another cat, or another animal in the house.

Can cat eat cheese

The most important foods that must be served to cats

Vegetables :

Vegetables contain fiber and carbohydrates important for the health of cats, and they can be served mashed or boiled, and among the most important vegetables that must be served are: broccoli, flowers, carrots, and peas.


Cheese contains proteins important for the health of cats, and can be served almost daily, noting that it is not preferable to provide cheese to kittens; Because her body cannot accept lactose, she suffers from stomach upset and diarrhea.


Fish contains nutrients important to the health of cats, and can be served once a month.


Eggs contain proteins important for cat health, and they can be served boiled or scrambled.


Meat contains various nutrients, and it can be served cooked or boiled, but it is not preferred to serve it permanently. Because it can cause diarrhea.

Nutritional recipes to open cats' appetite

Vegetable soup: put a quarter cup of each of: rice, carrots, broccoli, rice and two cups of boiling water in a saucepan over the fire, leave it until it boils, then remove the mixture from the heat, pour it into an electric mixer and mix it well, then introduce the mixture to the cat.

Chicken pasta: Mix a cup of boiled noodles, two tablespoons of corn oil, a quarter cup of boiled and mashed carrots, and two pieces of finely chopped chicken in a bowl, then serve the mixture to the cat.

Chicken soup: Mix three cups of chicken broth, four tablespoons of flour, one cup of mashed carrots, and three quarters of a cup of minced meat in a bowl, then offer the mixture to the cat twice daily.

Bread with milk: put a quarter cup of each of: chicken broth and low-fat milk in a bowl, then add two pieces of finely chopped bread, mix the ingredients, then insert the mixture into the microwave for a minute or until it is slightly heated.

Note: If these methods do not succeed in eliminating the loss of appetite, the cats should be taken to the doctor as soon as possible for the necessary tests to be performed and given the appropriate medication.

Can cat eat cheese

Can cat eat cheese or not

We sometimes think we are doing well by giving our animal a food that we like. We tell ourselves that it will surely make him happy… However, some foods are not without danger!

Milk and dairy products

Contrary to popular belief, cow's milk is not digestible for weaned cats and dogs. Giving them it can cause them to have severe diarrhea.

It is quite possible to give your pet a base of yogurt or a jar of crème fraîche, it will undoubtedly be extremely happy. It just should not be abused to avoid the risk of diarrhea.

As for pieces of cheese, dogs generally love them, and cats love them too. They can be excellent rewards, especially in the learning stages. However, prefer hard, rindless cheeses, and always give in moderation. A handful of grated cheese on the croquettes can also make fussy animals hungry.


Don't think you're making your dog or cat happy by giving them chocolate! This food, as pleasant as it is for the human taste buds, is extremely toxic in animals because of the theobromine it contains. The more chocolate is concentrated in cocoa (90% dark chocolate for example) and given in large quantities, the more dangerous it is for the animal. It can affect his nervous system, his heart, and lead to his death.

Pome and stone fruits

Kernels and seeds are toxic in cats and dogs because of the cyanogenic glycoside they contain.

Can cat eat cheese

Grapes, in particular, can lead to intestinal disorders and kidney failure.

Avocado is also particularly dangerous, not only because of its core, but also because it contains persin, a poisonous element that can damage the hearts and lungs of animals. Rich in fat, avocado can also cause inflammation of the pancreas of the animal.

Raw potato

Raw potato contains calcium oxalate: it is a danger for the urinary system of animals since it can cause stones. It also contains solanine responsible for intestinal disorders. On the other hand, when it is cooked, no particular danger. This is the reason why it is sometimes found in the components of a kibble.

Garlic and raw onion

Garlic and raw onions are toxic to dogs and cats: on reaching the red blood cells, they can cause vomiting, tachycardia and severe anemia. When cooked, these foods are less risky, but it is still better to avoid giving them.

CONTINUE the article : Can cat eat cheese

Can cat eat cheese


Animals have great difficulty digesting nuts. Very rich in phosphorus, they are among the foods to avoid. Macadamia nuts and nutmeg are particularly dangerous: the former can cause fever, depression and increase the heart rate of the animal; the seconds can cause hallucinations.


Like chocolate, coffee is toxic in animals. Caffeine increases the heart rate and can lead to death.

What if my animal has ingested a toxic product?

If your pet has eaten a toxic food (or you suspect it has), don't waste time, and call a vet right away to tell them about it. Only he can tell you how to act. You can also contact a poison control center.

And because prevention is better than cure, remember to keep these dangerous foods out of your pet's reach. The best is to keep them in containers inaccessible to them!

Can you give cheese to a cat ?

Yes, you can give cheese to a cat. However, its consumption should be very moderate and cheese is not at all necessary for the cat's diet.

We can explain : although cheese is not one of the foods prohibited for cats, its consumption must be moderate to prevent digestive disorders.  In addition, we must stress that although cheese offers a good source of protein and fat, it should not replace meat, whether it is veal, chicken, turkey or fish.  We also recall that the cat is a carnivorous animal.

To learn more about cheese and cats and how they should eat it, we invite you to continue the article Can we give cheese to a cat ?  Can cat eat cheese ?

Can cats eat cheese ?

Cheese is a source of protein of animal origin, as it is produced from the milk of different mammals. Although the most consumed cheeses in the world come from cow's milk, there are also very fine cheeses made from sheep's milk, goat's milk, etc. As a dairy product, cheese also contains a considerable amount of fat (although there are many cheeses that are low in calories and fat) and minerals like calcium, phosphorus, and magnesium. Can cat eat cheese

Since the cat is a strictly carnivorous animal, protein should be the mainstay and, therefore, the most abundant thing in its diet, being accompanied by beneficial fats, vitamins and minerals. Although cats can consume very moderate portions of carbohydrates, it should be borne in mind that the excess of this nutrient can cause digestive problems, in addition to promoting the development of obesity in cats.

Since cheese is a high protein food that also contains beneficial fats, it might make sense to conclude that cats can eat cheese. But the question is not so simple, because cheese is also a direct derivative of milk, and the majority of adult cats are lactose intolerant.  We'll explain it better below ....

While kittens are nursing, breast milk is the only perfect food to meet all of their nutritional needs.  This is why her body produces a large amount of an enzyme called lactase, which is responsible for digesting lactose in breast milk.  But when kittens complete their weaning period and are ready to experiment with new foods, their bodies gradually decrease production of this enzyme.  This is the most important food transition of their entire life, because it means that their body is preparing to survive on its own, without needing to receive food from their mother.

Most adult cats become lactose intolerant because their bodies do not produce the enzyme needed to digest milk or at levels insufficient to digest it properly.  So, when consuming milk or dairy products, felines can develop digestive problems, such as gas, vomiting or diarrhea.

What cheese can a cat eat ?

Although cow's milk is more economical and easier to find, goat and sheep cheeses are easier to digest for our cats.  It is therefore preferable to choose this type of cheese to avoid digestive problems associated with their lactose intolerance.

You can thus offer cheese to your cat as a reward during his education, using this food to reinforce his acts of good behavior and stimulate him.  However, it is important not to use food for your cat's positive reinforcement alone as this could cause overweight or your cat will immediately associate good behavior with food.  The best attitude is to alternate food with hugs, toys and a good time with you.

On the other hand, you can also add lean cheeses, such as ricotta or fromage blanc in your homemade recipes to supplement our kittens' diet and satisfy their demanding appetite.

Laughing cow for cat

Many people wonder if you can give Laughing Cow to a cat.  Like other cheeses, Laughing Cow is a cow's milk cheese that can be fed to a cat, but in a moderate way.

Give kiri to a cat

The Kiri comes from the same company as the Laughing Cow. Being cow's milk, this cheese can be fed to a cat but in a moderate way.

Continue our article Can we give cheese to a cat ?  Can cat eat cheese ? to know how much cheese to give a cat!

How Much Can Cats Eat Cheese ?

As we have seen, cats can still eat cheese in very small amounts, as a snack or as a supplement to homemade recipes. However, there is no predetermined dose for all cats, but the safe and beneficial amount of cheese should be appropriate for the size, weight, age, and health of each cat.

It is therefore essential that you consult your veterinarian to choose the most appropriate diet based on your cat's nutritional needs. A professional will be able to guide you on how to introduce cheese into your cat's diet, advising you on the most appropriate and safest doses to achieve a positive impact on their health.

Can we give cottage cheese to a cat

As said before, you can give cheese like cottage cheese but in small quantities. Cottage cheese being a wet food, it will give your cat energy.  However, if you give your cat too much cottage cheese, she will simply have digestive problems or diarrhea. In short, cheese for cats is not such a good idea!

Can we give cottage cheese to a kitten

You have to be very careful about feeding a kitten, which can cause serious illnesses in its future. If you are wondering whether you can give a kitten cottage cheese, the answer is no.  Cottage cheese is mostly made with cow's milk.  The kitten only digests cat's milk or goat's milk, so don't feed your little feline cheese. He could contract illnesses like diarrhea or more serious illnesses, since giving him cow's milk could kill him.

Give ice cream to a cat

We see you coming in advance.  It's summer, you eat ice cream and suddenly your cat is spinning around you and meowing for some.  What to do ?  Well, react correctly by refusing to give it to him!  Ice cream, like cheese, is a food that is made with cream or milk, two foods that are dangerous for cats.  Plus, ice cream is usually very sweet, which can make your cat obese or cause digestive upset like vomiting or diarrhea.

What can we feed a cat

What can we feed a cat ?  What can a cat eat ?  Two questions that more and more guardians are asking themselves, to be able to give natural food to their cat.  And at, we support this method!  Indeed, feeding your cat naturally implies offering your cat a diet without chemical components, without preservatives, without dyes, more economical, so that your cat is in good health. Please consult your veterinarian before starting a natural diet to ensure your cat's diet is perfectly suited to their nutritional needs.

Dangerous foods for cats

If you feed your cat "human" food, many foods, such as dairy products such as cheese, are dangerous for cats, such as :

Salty foods

The lemon

The vinegar


The leek



The dried fruit

If you want to learn more about these foods, check out our article on Prohibited Foods for Cats.

Can you give cheese to a dog ?

Cheese is one of the dairy products, and dairy products are among the prohibited foods for dogs.  Indeed, whether it is milk, cheese, cheese rind, a dog should not consume these foods which are harmful to his health causing vomiting, diarrhea and gastrointestinal problems.  There is natural, no sugar added dog cheese in the form of yogurt that you can feed your dog.  However, for example, prefer dog milk kefir, an excellent probiotic for dogs.

Can you give pasta to a dog ?

Besides dogs who are allergic to flour and therefore to pasta, pasta is a food that is not forbidden for dogs, but to be consumed in moderation. A dog can eat pasta but it should be very occasional.  Also avoid giving him pasta in sauce (carbonara, pepper, bolognese) which usually contain a lot of salt, fat and oil.

Can you give a cat pasta ?

Now that you know if cheese is good for cats, let's talk about pasta. Pasta, like bread or rice, is a high carbohydrate food. Pasta is therefore one of the foods not recommended for cats like cheese, since the nutritional needs of cats are mainly based on the consumption of proteins and fats and not carbohydrates. A cat should therefore not be fed pasta. In addition, due to its presence of gluten, pasta can cause cat allergies and intolerance with vomiting and diarrhea.

Can the cat eat cheese ?

Lactose is present in cheese in the form of sugar: even if you give your cat low-fat cheese , there is a good chance that she will be lactose intolerant. The only time a cat can eat cheese is when it is still a kitten. At this age, they still have a digestive system that contains lactase (an enzyme that dissociates lactose into glucose and galactose, which allows digestion of milk).

Cat who wants cheese

When they are born, kittens have a lot of enzymes in their body which allows them to survive when they drink their mother's milk. They have a digestive composition that allows them to lower lactose and digest it well, while once an adult, they can no longer.

The kitten can eat cheese without having digestive difficulty, but that doesn't mean you can keep feeding her cheese all her life. When it grows, it will tend to produce less and less enzymes, and therefore, will digest less and less lactose. In short, his digestive system will make him lactose intolerant.

Benefits of giving cheese to your cat

Cheese is a good source of protein. Again, don't overdo it. These foods promote the overweight of the cat, it is necessary to limit them so that it remains in good health. The cats love the taste of cheese , it can be handy if you need to administer medication.

What type of cheese to give my cat ?

It doesn't really matter what type of cheese to feed your cat as long as it is low in lactose and your cat tolerates milk and cheese well.

Most cats tolerate low fat cottage cheese well. Some researchers have shown that a bacteria present in cottage cheese helps in the digestion of milk.

“Solid” cheese contains less sugar but more fat. It also means that it contains less lactose. Goat and sheep cheese are more easily digestible by cats unlike cheese made from cow's milk. Ideally choose this type of cheese to avoid digestive problems linked to lactose intolerance in cats.

On the other hand, if your cat becomes lactose intolerant, you should stop giving him dairy products, even cheese. Even if your cat no longer wants to eat on a whim or begs for cheese from time to time, you must not give in, his health comes first.

Cottage cheese

Cats love cottage cheese, which they tolerate better than solid cheese
Can the cat eat dairy products?
Even if your cat does not show problems with lactose intolerance after eating cheese or drinking milk, it is important to only give her small amounts. When you decide, for example, to give the cat milk , make sure that it is low in lactose.

There are a lot of cheeses in supermarkets that are low in lactose, which is rather interesting to give to your cat. You can ask your vet to inquire for more information.

Some cat foods are sold with the cheese label . When you read this mention, there is in fact no cheese, only aromas ...

Why do cats produce little lactase ?

As long as they consume milk, the cat's digestive system will produce lactase. However, when he begins to eat solid foods and stops drinking milk, lactase production will stop at the same time. When his body stops producing these enzymes, it never starts again.

Cats are carnivorous, they don't need a diet based on milk or cheese. Thus, cheese and other dairy products should not be part of the cat's diet. However, although he is lactose intolerant, that doesn't mean he will never be able to eat a little cheese or drink milk.

If you feed him since he was a baby and never stopped when he became an adult, then he will have the ability to be more lactose tolerant. Digestion in cats varies as much as that in humans, but pay attention to your cat's symptoms when feeding dairy products. If he has a fragile stomach or has intestinal problems (especially diarrhea) , then do not give it. If he doesn't have any reaction / difficulty when he eats dairy products, then you can give him some every now and then.

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