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Types of insects and their names

Types of insects and their names

Types of insects and their names


Insects are among the smallest types of living organisms in terms of size, yet they are the most numerous. Studies have shown that the number of insects with their different species is equal to more than half the number of other living organisms of all kinds, shapes and species. As insects have a very large number of species, which is approximately thirty million different species, and this is at the level of species that have not yet been classified. Insects belong to the range of eukaryotes, and insects can live in all kinds of different environments and regions, so that there is even a small percentage of them that live in water areas.

Types of insects and their names

Due to the huge number and diversity of insect species, today we will get acquainted with part of these families and names; Where we will shed light on the most important and widespread of them.

Litter group and herbivores

Names of insects belonging to this group:

Cockroaches: Cockroaches are found in areas close to dwellings in which people live, and they also live indoors, and their main food is waste, and cockroaches are the most famous members of this group and the most widespread.


Locusts are considered the most destructive species of this group, and harmful to humans; It is one of the most dangerous insects that cause agricultural crops, leading to their destruction and sabotage.


 This species is considered the least harmful insect species of this group. It lives in meadows and does not cause any damage, but its appearance is unpalatable.

Colonies group

This group is called by this name because all the insects that belong to it live in homes in the form of colonies, and the most important insects that belong to this group:


it is one of the most beneficial insects for humans. As it is the insect responsible for the production of honey, and it lives in a colony that contains a cell belonging to the queen of bees, and adjacent cells for the manufacture and storage of honey.


They are the male bees. Wasps: They live in private nests, which they make of wood.

Ants: They have many types, and they live in a colony that is usually dug in the dirt.

Bedding set and moths

This group contains two types of insects, namely:

Bedding: It is a beautiful insect with a beautiful appearance, and it has two wings that are distinguished by bright colors. It is often found among flowers, and it is very active during the day.

Moths: They have a very similar appearance to bedding, except that their activity and movements are at night, unlike the bed that spreads during the day and sleeps at night.

Group of flies

It is one of the largest groups of insects, and its types are characterized by having two wings, and they are very small in size, and the most important types are:

House flies.

External flies of all kinds.


Types of insects

There are a huge number of insect species that are approximately 900,000 different types of insects, and this percentage is equivalent to three times other types of animals, and these types increase every year according to recent discoveries, and are classified into parts ranging between 27-32 types, and we mention the following:

Beetles; It is the largest of the rankings.

Butterflies and moths.

Wasps, ants and bees.

Flies and mosquitoes.

Real flies.

Insects and aphids.

Grasshoppers and crickets.

The White Termite.

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