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Can elephant swim | you've Never Heard That Before

can elephant swim

Hello All, in This Article we will Talk About If can elephant swim or they can't.

can elephant swim

A scene of an elephant swimming in a lake in Malaysia recorded a high rate of views on social networking sites of twenty thousand people in one hour.

Read : can cows swim

Local media reported that fisherman Mohd Surdi Muhammad Azmi (37 years) encountered an elephant swimming near his boat in Lake Kenyer in the state of Terengganu in eastern Malaysia and captured a scene of him published on his Facebook account, and 20 thousand people saw it within one hour.

""I have been fishing in this lake since 2004, and until now I have seen 4 times elephants swimming, maybe not many people know about the ability of elephants to swim,"" Azmi said in his speech to the media, surprised by the fact that the scene received high levels of viewership.

can elephant swim

An elephant drowns

The Sri Lankan Navy announced the rescue of an elephant that was wandering at sea.  The rescue operation took more than 12 hours as the elephant was in the water 8 km from the coast in the Indian Ocean.

A video clip posted on Internet pages showed the elephant keeping his hose over the water to breathe, while divers, with the help of experts in livestock, stretched ropes around his body and dragged him ashore.

A spokesperson for the Sri Lankan Navy told local media that the stream swept the elephant, explaining that the elephants "usually swim in shallow water to shorten the path," and this elephant "miraculously" survived.

Can elephants swim or not?

Despite its weight, in fact, the elephant can swim very well. It can swim several kilometers. Its size and mass do not prevent it from floating and it moves by moving its legs, like a dog. The elephant can even swim underwater, breathing thanks to its trunk, which it comes out into the open like a snorkel!

can elephant swim

Do elephants like water?

Spread on YouTube and all social media, a funny video clip showing the ability of the elephant Arjan to swim and dive in the ocean near Andaman Island, east of the Bay of Bengal, which forms a united land with India.

The clip also shows one of the swimmers chasing the elephant under the water and jumps on its back.

It is noteworthy that elephants love water and usually swim in the waters of lakes and rivers and are excellent at diving under water for several minutes, as the video clip shows.

Elephants bathe by spraying water from their hoses on their bodies, in case they are unable to dive and parts of their bodies remain outside the water.

can elephant swim

The elephant is the largest animal living on Earth, and the second longest member of the animal kingdom, after the giraffe.  Only the blue whale surpassed it in magnitude, and elephants are distinguished by their great strength and severity of intelligence.

Rajan that 59-year-old elephant swims like a good swimmer. Elephant driver Rajan says: Unlike many elephants that used to cut trees in that place, Rajan was born in India in 1950, and initially trained using harsh methods as he was forced to swim with very large loads.

“In 2002, logging was banned on the islands and more than 200 elephants were sent to the Indian mainland,” the driver continues. However, she kept Rajan and stayed with him until he was very good at swimming and since then he is the only elephant that can swim.

can elephant swim

How Long Can elephants swim?

Elephants are strong swimmers and are recorded swimming up to 50 kilometers across water, and may swim for 6 hours continuously without rest.

During the dry season, while the heat intensifies a little more each day, tens of thousands of pachyderms coming from the depths of the park but also from the salty parts of Makgadikgadi, migrate towards the river and form immense herds composed mainly of females and young.

In the past, elephants moved from the heart of Botswana to Angola, with the Chobe as a simple stopover on their migration route. But the Angolan civil war and the war of independence in Namibia changed the course of elephants, whose ivory was used as currency for weapons. They then found refuge in northern Botswana where water and peace offered them a fulfilling and secure environment. The end of hostilities in Namibia allowed the elephants to cross the boundaries of the river again, although the Chobe remained an important gathering point.

can elephant swim

The water of Chobe, accessible in profusion, produces in elephants a palpable well-being. They love water more than any other land animal and show it here by tirelessly frolicking in the cool current of the river. Young teens are the most playful and fun to watch!

It is also here that another exceptional spectacle occurs. Every day during the dry season, elephants cross the Chobe and swim from its forest shores to lush islands covered with fresh grass, unexpected food in these times of scarcity. After eating all day, most of them leave the islands in the evening and reach the mainland whether on the Botswana or Namibia side.

But in reality, elephants don't really swim: they float below the surface, moving their legs to move around. And when they're completely submerged, they use their tubes as snorkels. This is by far the most astonishing behavior to observe in the largest land animal in the world!

can elephant swim

How much water does an elephant drink a day

Elephants consume about 200 liters of water per day, and they have the right to do so because they are the largest wild animals that live in hot, arid regions, which causes them to lose large quantities of water in their bodies, through urine and sweat secretions and during breathing and evaporation of water through the skin.

Elephants always resort to consuming a large amount of water or feeding on water-rich plants, like the animals in hot and tropical regions, in order to maintain their body moisture, and the elephant uses its hose for drinking, which accommodates about 8 liters of water at a time.

The elephant can stay for 4 days without water, relying on some water that it stores inside its throat in anticipation of those harsh moments, and some studies indicate that elephants prefer water eyes rich in sodium, without reaching an explanation, especially with no physiological reason for it.

can elephant swim

How much do elephants eat a day in kg

The elephant is a plant animal, that is, one of the most important plant animals on the surface of the earth. It can eat all kinds of herbs, leaves, fruits, bark and plant seeds. It spends most of its time picking and devouring food, as the large adult elephant eats daily about more than 100 kilograms of plants and drinks About 60 gallons of water.

The digestive system of the elephant

is characterized as weak to a large extent, i.e. low in efficiency, as it can digest only about 40% of what it eats, and therefore it eats large quantities of food in order to compensate for the deficiency and lack of efficiency in the digestive system.

The elephant takes about 16 hours to eat on a daily basis, and herbs estimate about 50% of the daily food and eats about 64 types of food, i.e. plants, and their choice of food depends on the different seasons and seasons, and therefore the elephant does not burn large amounts of calories.

can elephant swim

Keep reading can elephant swim

Can elephants breathe underwater

Of course no ! And like this is how an elephant breathe:
The elephant breathes from its proboscis, which weighs approximately one hundred and thirty kilograms in an adult male, and is characterized by the fact that it contains sixteen muscles, so that the main muscle covers the upper part of it, and it has the ability to lift a load weighing approximately 250 kilograms, and the elephant uses its proboscis to collect dust or weeds; To put it on himself; As a kind of protection from insect bites, and sunlight.

Learn more in can elephant swim

Can elephants jump

The elephant is unable to jump vertically because it is too heavy, but it is not the only one. Many other animals cannot jump (eg turtles, snails and oysters), including mammals (eg hippos and sloths).

An elephant resorted to a clever trick to get to his food directly and eat it from a tall tree, as the elephant, called "Fred Esther", stood on its hind legs and stretched its proboscis up between the trees to eat directly from the tree, according to the Russian Sputnik network.

The British newspaper Daily Mail reported that the elephants in the region have devised new ways to eat during the dry season, because it is difficult at that time to find their food on the ground.

And the elephant was called "Fred Esther" after an American artist and famous dancer, because the elephant performs dancing movements when standing on its legs.

Elephant living place

🔸Elephants feed on grass and therefore they live in environments where there are abundant herbs such as savannah, and they prefer to live near water, so they multiply in swamps where there is water and grass, and spend about three quarters of their day chewing grass.

Life in the group

🔸Female elephants live in groups that often consist of only females, and are led by the oldest female among them, called the wise mother, while the males live alone, or in groups of males, and meet in the mating season, and the pregnancy period for elephants is twenty-two months, after which the female often gives birth to a young One is called a fool, and she can give birth to twins, and the female elephant is a very affectionate mother, and all the herd takes care of protecting the young in it as she is vulnerable to attack by lions, tigers and other predators, and the little one remains dependent on his mother during the first three years of his life, so his brain is Not fully developed, it also does not know the techniques used for life such as eating, drinking and moisturizing the body, and the elephant can live for about seventy years, and the elephant shows clear sympathy for the last dead of his herd.

The skin covers the body of the elephant Skin qualities

The skin covers

🔸the body of elephants, weighing more than 900 kilograms - that is, the skin - is little moisture, and is soft around the joints To facilitate movement, it is noteworthy that the skin of African elephants is more wrinkled than the skin of Asian elephants, as these wrinkles contribute to retaining moisture, maintaining the good condition of the skin, despite its rough and dry appearance; However, it is sensitive and may be soft to the touch.

🔸skin color

Although grayish black is the natural color of the skin, it usually appears in the same color as the soil in which the elephants live. They apply what is known as a mud bath or exposure to the soil of the environment in which they are found to protect from insects , to control the body temperature, to maintain hydration of the skin, and to prevent sunburn. As for the pink or light brown color that may appear on some areas of the skin of Asian elephants, it is a product. About hypopigmentation due to genetics, nutrition or age.

Elephant size

🔸The elephant is the largest land animal , and the African elephant is larger than the Asian elephant. The latter grows to reach from two to three meters, starting from the shoulder all the way to the soles of the feet, and weighs from 2041 to 4990 kg, while the African elephants reach a length of two and a half meters to four meters from the shoulder and to the soles of the feet, and weigh from 2268 to 6350 kg. According to National Geographic.

Morphological characteristics of the elephant

🔸The elephant is characterized by its vertical legs and a huge head with the temples and wide flat ears, and the sparse and coarse hair, and it is also distinguished by its trunk which is the upper lip extending with the nose, it weighs about 290 kg in an adult male, and it is able to lift a load of up to 250 Kg, and the hose contains 16 muscles, one main muscle in the upper and lateral areas of it so that the elephant can lift it, and the other that covers the bottom, and the rest of the muscles fall into the hose to provide it with the necessary movement.


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