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Breeding ornamental fish for beginners Inspirational tips for a longer life

Breeding ornamental fish for beginners

There is a large group of people who are fond of owning fish, among them beginners, and some of them have gained great experience in that. Perhaps raising ornamental fish for beginners is one of the most frequent inquiries about, and if you are among those who want to acquire the masterpieces of fish, we will tell you how to raise them by steps Process, during this topic.

Ornamental fish breeding for beginners

Perhaps one of the most joyful and ideal things in the place is decorating it with beautiful natural ornamental fish, but some people often suspect some doubts, and worry about raising ornamental fish for beginners, and during the next lines, we try hard, to clarify the steps for the acquisition of various types of ornamental fish, step by step, You can walk by these steps, and thus, succeed in the matter, without fear, without hesitation, and it is worth noting two main rules, which should be taken into account, before anything else:

  • As for the first, it is represented in the necessity to avoid touching ornamental fishTo fade its damage.
  • The other: the alkalinity of the water must be changed, for a longer life.

Breeding ornamental fish in ponds (for beginners)

It is possible to raise ornamental fish easily, by keeping a set of basics in mind, according to the following:

Aquarium fish ponds

It is necessary to take into account the following, in the event of purchasing fish ponds, in order to raise ornamental fish for beginners  in a successful way, without any defect:

  • Aquarium quality:

There are two basic types of fish ponds, which are as follows:

  1. Glass sinks : heavy, easy to clean and affordable.
  2. Acrylic sinks : made of reinforced plastic, however glass sinks are not as popular; Because it is subjected to scratching and damage, and it is very expensive, when compared to the first type.

How to raise ornamental fish for beginners

Below we cover everything related to the steps of raising ornamental fish for beginners  in detail:

  • It is necessary to purchase an aquarium of either of the two types mentioned above, according to a capacity appropriate to the quantity of fish to be placed in the tank, and large fish.
  • Clean the tank completely, with water only, of any impurities stuck in it, before transporting the fish inside.
  • Install the basin in a safe, sturdy place, out of direct sunlight, and out of reach of children; The possibility of the aquarium with its supplementation with water, fish, and food.
  • Not to expose the sink to chemicals and pesticides, perfumes, and detergents.
  • Be careful while buying fish, choose active species, and keep away from lazy fish.
  • Not to buy predatory fish, lest they kill each other.
  • Take care to buy scavenger fish. In order to ensure the water is constantly clean, and to eliminate aquatic algae as always.
  • Avoid placing minerals in aquariums; Lest it interact with water and harm fish.
  • Supplying water with a relatively large, non-colored, grain of crunch; Lest the fish be able to swallow it.
  • Support the pelvis from below with a piece of cork; To fade its slip, or break it.
  • Supplying the aquarium with completely clean, chlorine-free water.
  • The need to change the water periodically, not exceeding one time during the month.
  • Take care when changing the water, that it be stored for at least a week; To ensure the deposition of impurities, and to reduce the levels of chlorine in the water, chlorine removal products can also be used.

Information on raising ornamental fish for beginners

  • The need to use hydraulic, automatic, and electric filters; To purify the water inside the basins, or by using manual filters (by using a regular fiber, reinforcing a box equipped with it, and then connecting it to an oxygen motor, with the need to change it weekly).
  • The necessity of cleaning the water filter weekly, by washing the sponge provided inside well, and then installing it again.
  • Configure the appropriate temperature, and ask the seller about it, before completing the purchase.
  • Provide appropriate food for fish.
  • Take into account not to put food to ornamental fish continuously, as fish prefer to undergo starvation for some time, and not make food available to them all the time, as only a few grains can be satisfied, and it should be noted that some species may remain without any food for a whole week.

Thus, we have learned how to raise ornamental fish for beginners with ease, from A to Z, so all you have to do is follow the steps below, previously mentioned, and enjoy the most beautiful landscapes, for countless types of the most beautiful, most exquisite, colorful fish, with different body And the training, which catches the eye with its wonderful manufacture.

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