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How to get rid of mosquitoes at night

How to get rid of mosquitoes at night

Ways to get rid of mosquitoes

There are many effective ways in which to expel mosquitoes from other houses and eliminate it completely, including:

Lemon eucalyptus oil 

Lemon eucalyptus oil has been used since ancient times as an effective natural insecticide to get rid of mosquitoes, as stated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and recent studies indicate that a mixture consisting of 32% of camphor lemon oil provides more than 95% of protection against mosquitoes for a period ranging from Approximately 3 hours, and it is used in the following way:

Mix 1 part eucalyptus lemon oil with 10 parts sunflower oil or witch hazel oil.

The previous mixture is applied to the person's skin to protect it from mosquitoes at night.

Note: The previous mixture should not be used on the skin of children under the age of 3 years.

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Thyme oil and leaves

Thyme oil is a powerful insect repellant that protects people in particular from mosquitoes that transmit malaria epidemics, and thyme leaves can also be used as an effective repellant by burning thyme leaves in the place as its mosquito-repelling smell forms a barrier that provides 85% protection for a period ranging between 60-90 minutes In this place, in addition to the possibility of making a household insecticide thyme spray, using the following method :

Mix 5 drops of thyme oil with 60ml of water.

Put the previous mixture in a spray bottle, and shake well.

You spray mosquitoes with the previous repeller when seen.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at night

Mosquito repellent skin products

There are some topical chemical products that are applied to the surface of the skin and prevent mosquitoes from biting the skin and absorbing blood from the person, as they repel and repel it as soon as they stand on it, and insect repellents are used by placing them on the exposed skin surface, and on clothes when the person is outside during the day, and in the event of a desire to put a sunscreen It must be applied before applying these products, and some are also used for adults and children over the age of two months, as they have an effectiveness that extends for several hours, while children under the age of two months can be protected by a special net that prevents mosquitoes from entering and touching them.

Mosquito repellent vaporizers

There are special types of electric vaporizers in which non-smoking coils are placed inside that are specially designed to repel mosquitoes and get them out of the place due to their strong repelling smells, by connecting the evaporator to electricity, and leaving it working for a few hours before bed, and some also contain a self-timer that can be operated for a period of time Specific, as it shuts off automatically after its expiration, and the pluggable mosquito fumigators are safe to use, and have no health risks, or annoying and harmful odors that may threaten human health and safety.

Bleach containers to catch mosquitoes

They are dark, water-filled containers that have small openings. To prevent large animals from drinking water located therein, where used Kmassaid mosquito to insert its chemicals lethal Etbidh, as some of them provide fertile ground for breeding, and where there are animals feed on them such as fish , for example, or some pesticides , insecticides dilute that kill small mosquito larvae and adults of them, It is an effective and affordable method, but it covers a small and narrow area only, and is not suitable in large areas, and it can also be replaced by a chemical insect growth regulator that is added to the water; To prevent the larvae from developing and growing into a harmful mosquito, but they are moderately toxic materials and may harm other pets in the area.

How to get rid of mosquitoes at night

Use of insecticides

There are many insecticides that repel mosquitoes from the place where people are practicing activities that naturally increase carbon dioxide emissions and bodily odors that in turn attract mosquitoes to their bodies, and which depend on different chemicals that interfere with mosquito receptors that detect carbon dioxide And the smell of their bodies and their dispersion, preventing them from reaching them, and making them a source of food and an easy prey for them, providing them with protection from their bites for a period ranging between 2-12 hours depending on the concentration of those materials manufactured from them.

Tips to get rid of mosquitoes at home

It is advised to follow some precautionary tips and measures; To prevent mosquitoes from biting a person and reaching him, including the following:

Get rid of stagnant water sources in homes, which may collect in rain pools, old tires, plastic sheeting, or toys and other containers in which mosquitoes can breed.

Empty and change water in bird baths, fountains, pools, and potted plants at least once a week; To eliminate potential mosquito sources.

Installing protective nets on windows and doors to prevent mosquitoes from entering homes and harming their occupants.

Cover all gaps and holes in home walls, doors and windows to prevent mosquitoes from entering through them.

Cover baby carriers and beds with a mosquito net to prevent mosquitoes from reaching them and their bites.

Smacking mosquitoes in special facilities, some of which are made of plastic or metal, and which are covered with a metal net; To eliminate it and prevent it from reproducing.

Wearing loose-fitting clothing with long sleeves and full shorts that cover the person's body; To protect it and prevent mosquitoes from reaching it, thus harming and biting it.


Mosquitoes are considered one of the pests that support and stabilize the ecological structure. As they are a staple food for many other insects, birds and bats, and there are other types of larval mosquitoes that support the aquatic ecosystem as well, but despite their great benefits to the environment, they are a very harmful pest that threatens human health and safety. Because it absorbs blood and transmits during it many dangerous diseases that may be fatal sometimes, including: malaria, West Nile virus, Zika virus, dengue fever and other epidemics, where its stings appear in the form of red bumps that may irritate and itch annoyingly, and therefore it must be Who eliminated it and expelled it from homes through the methods that will be mentioned later.

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