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Do eagles migrate | All you need to know about eagles migration

do eagles migrate

Hello All, in this blog post we will talk in details about eagles migration and if do eagles migrate or not then what time of day are eagles most active.

Read also : American bald eagle

do eagles migrate

Yes ! And The migration of eagles can be defined as one of the traditional behaviors that specialize in them, through which large numbers of them move at specific times of the year from one region to another, and the distances traveled by eagles during migration vary depending on where they are found. Migratory eagles have adapted to cutting Large distances with the provision of as much energy as possible during migration, and among the most prominent areas that witness periodic migrations of eagles, some areas in North America, some tropical and coastal areas, and some regions of the European continent.

Eagles are considered one of the largest predatory birds, and they are from the falcon family, and despite the great similarity between them, the eagle is larger than the falcon, and there are seven types of eagles in the New World and 15 in the old world.

do eagles migrate

Where do eagles go in the winter?

The search for food forces eagles to leave to migrate south of United States and Canada in late autumn and early winter, when lakes and rivers in their nesting grounds freeze over.

Do Eagles remain active in the winter?

Eagles are often appear in January but can be seen in all months as long as water is available.

do eagles migrate

Do eagles stay in the same area?

Yes, sometimes eagles stay in an area all year round. If they can find enough water and food all year-round, why leave.

What time of day are eagles most active?

Eagles tend to be most active in the early morning – sunrise to about 10 a.m. In the afternoon they are more likely to be soaring.

Migration times

Not all birds migrate at the same time of day; Some birds prefer to migrate during the night, while others prefer to fly during the day, and among the types of birds that prefer to migrate during the day: birds of prey, birds that hunt insects, and water birds and sensitive. This is due to the dependence of these birds on the warm air currents rising from the ground to raise them and help them to fly, and to provide self-energy, and unlike these types, most songbirds prefer to migrate during the night, and use the daytime to rest and search for food in unfamiliar places, and it is believed that the stillness of the air, And the low temperature at night are ideal conditions for its flight.

do eagles migrate

Immigration risks

Birds are exposed to many dangers during their migratory journey, some of them can be mentioned as follows:

🔸Physical fatigue while flying.

🔸Lack of food supplies.

🔸Bad weather.

🔸Predation risk.

🔸Collision with buildings and towers.

Advantages of Eagles

It has long wings with strong muscles that help it fly at very high altitudes, as well as help it cover long distances.

It is distinguished by its ability to sharp vision, in addition to its very sharp claws, large in size, and also hooked, as it has a sharp beak that is also hooked, and all these physical features and qualities that God endowed with in order to make it able to adapt to its nutritional requirements, in other words until it becomes Able to shred and chop food, and eat it.

In the early morning of the days when the air is cold, eagles usually prepare for the day of the fight, when they take care of their feathers, and after the surrounding air warms, the eagles disperse in search of food and strength.

do eagles migrate

Eating is based on priority, as old eagles eat first, then young eagles follow, and if two or more eagles are rewarded in terms of age, battles and disputes arise between them.

After it finishes eating it cleans itself from the remnants, then waits for the food to be digested for a period of time so that it can fly again, and eagles are able to eat huge quantities of food; That is because her food may be scarce at times, so she needs to wait for long periods to be able to eat again.

eagles live in places that are very high from the ground, so predators have difficulty reaching the places where eagles live.

eagles are considered social birds, so the couple flirts with each other starting in the winter season, when the eagles start the process of combing, and they also perform what is known as the show flight during which their wings touch together.

When the female eagles spawns, the couple takes turns incubating this egg until it hatches after approximately fifty-five days, and when the chicks are born, they are covered with soft white feathers, and then about ten days later, these chicks leave their nests and begin their lives independently.

do eagles migrate

Causes of eagle migration

There are many reasons that push eagles to migrate, and perhaps the most prominent of them is to have an abundant source of food. This is because eagles have high metabolism rates, which requires the availability of food for them in close periods of time, and it is natural that food is not available in the same geographical area throughout the same year. Therefore eagles resort to migrating between seasons to different regions, and among the reasons that push eagles to migrate as well: the desire to enjoy longer hours of the day, and to win less competition for areas and nesting sites, in addition to the desire to have a more moderate climate.

Searching for food

The scarcity of food is one of the most important drivers for the migration of most species of birds, so that if the birds remained in the same tropical regions throughout the year, food would become scarce, and reproduction would decrease, but with the renewal of food sources in the northern part every spring, millions of birds They will migrate to these areas to take advantage of their abundance, and when the food supply decreases in the fall, the birds return to the tropics where the food sources have been replenished in the meantime.

Preservation of offspring

Birds have evolved over thousands of years different patterns, times and directions of migration around the world, which helped them take advantage of the different and appropriate conditions for raising their young, and increase the opportunity to obtain healthy offspring, and the appropriate conditions for upbringing differ according to different types of birds, as well as depending on several factors.


Birds have evolved different types of feathers to adapt to climatic differences that affect migration.For example, many birds leave the breeding grounds in the Arctic when temperatures start to drop because they need higher temperatures to survive. A warm administrative environment is harsh for raising young, and it is advisable to lay eggs north in cooler areas.

Survival from predators

areas with abundant food sources throughout the year attract large numbers of predators that threaten bird nests, so birds migrate to different environments that predators cannot reach; In order to avoid them and to give their young people a better chance of maturing, such as rocky islands offshore, and coastal cliffs.


Birds migrate to different places to combat diseases and parasites that are more susceptible to them if they gather and remain in one natural habitat.

Forms of bird migration

The migration pattern of birds varies according to their diversity as follows:

🔸Resident birds

These are birds that never migrate and have the ability to find an adequate supply of food throughout the year.

Birds that migrate short distances, such as from a high place to a place less elevated from the foot of the mountain.

Birds that migrate medium distances, such as migration from one state to several states.

Birds that migrate long distances, such as birds that migrate from breeding areas in Canada and the United States to winter areas in South and Central America.

Hunting Eagles

Hunters began in the late twentieth century in the American continent to hunt eagles, trade in them and sell their parts to obtain a large financial wealth in return, such as feathers, wings and wooden sticks decorated with severed eagles' heads and many others, and many restrictions and penalties have been placed such as imprisonment and fines for anyone trying to kill eagles or any Of wild animals, especially endangered , and intensifying efforts by nature reserves to preserve this type of extinction, such as what happens on the island of Catalina in California, where bald eagles are helped to reproduce and protect them from extinction as they are the national symbol of the United States of America, as well as the protection of golden eagles and birds Other migratory from exploitation or poaching.

The extinction of eagles

Within the waves of extinction that came, we found that there are groups that have already become extinct, which contributed to the extinction of eagles, that the carcass that feeds on it has taken its way towards decreasing, because pet medicine has developed, and then the hunting of eagles by humans also contributed decisively to the extinction. the Eagles.
In addition to the insect extermination materials in the agricultural lands, these toxic materials have also been obtained from eagles, and they have been killed in large numbers, as eagles come to the ground to eat carrion, and there they are poisoned, and finally the presence of electrical wires in abundance in the air, which touches them Unbeknownst to him, the eagle is stunned and dies instantly.

Eagle lifestyle and mating

The eagle belongs to the family of hawks bilogi, and it does not marry more than one female in his life, and they complete their lives together, and the eagle reaches the stage of adulthood after 3 or 4 years, basically it needs between 227 and 454 g of food on a daily basis , But this is not always available, except that it has the ability to store 900 grams of food, as it can eat more than it needs, digest what it needs, and then digest the rest when it is hungry again.
The claws of eagles are not sharp like other birds, because they do not need to hunt prey when they are alive, and the acids in the eagle's digestive system are highly effective, enabling it to digest the bones, these bones are of high nutritional value for the eagle.

West and Eagles

In the West in Europe, we find that the matter is exactly the opposite among the Arabs, as the eagle appears in a large number of slogans and flags used there in the government, and the golden eagle and other characters of the eagles have become famous in the stories of young people, and American literature uses The eagle as a symbol of freedom, sublimity, and resolve.
Then here is the foreign culture transmitted to the Arabs when the cultural meeting took place between them, and we find Arab writers writing about the eagle, glorifying it, and using it as a slogan for freedom, determination and pride, and here we find a real linguistic error, because the word Eagel used by the Arabs about the West means In fact, the eagles bird, as for the eagle.
This is why we find that the eagle has taken its sublime position among the Arabs by mistake, until it was placed as a slogan of the Egyptian flag, while the better being to take it as a symbol of freedom, courage and set off is the punishment bird that bravely pursues its prey, not waiting for it until it dies alone like an eagle.


That is all about do eagles migrate and where do eagles go in the winter. Any others questions, please leave your comment below.

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