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Damage bugs to humans

Damage bugs to humans

Damage bugs to humans


Bed bugs are small brown insects and flat-shaped insects that coexist fully with humans, and feed on their blood, and there are some species that feed on the blood of bats and birds . This insect does not exist out of nowhere, but rather it is a wandering insect that moves from one place to another with luggage and bedding, so it can move with the person from anywhere in it, which helps it in that its small size and speed of movement, so it does not appear during the inspection or arrangement, Also, its eggs cannot be seen with the naked eye, and this insect is spread in unclean homes, and the presence of dogs, cats or pets increases the chances of the insect's presence and its spread. Man was able to eliminate it in the fifties, but it came back again due to the abstinence of the use of DDT and some pesticides that were classified as dangerous to humans and the environment.

Damage bugs to humans

It is known that the insect bugs do not cause any damage Ooomrad to humans, but leaves a bite in the area that puncture to suck them blood, and later a person feels upset this sting and feel a desire to being rubbed, may also cause this sting infection as a result of exposure to any type of bacteria, but In chronic and rare cases, a person may suffer from a deficiency of hemoglobin or iron , and it is very rare for this insect to transmit mechanically the hepatitis B virus. The insect also causes a lack of sleep for the person in the room due to its constant bites, so he wakes up every period, and thus does not enjoy a quiet sleep Comfortable, although it has the property of spreading an anesthetic substance on the area from which you intend to draw blood from, the person does not feel during the withdrawal process, and a substance is secreted that prevents blood clotting , which facilitates its feeding.

Ways to get rid of bugs

There are many ways to get rid of bed bugs forever, including the following:

🔸Washing bed linen with hot water because steam and hot water can permanently kill bugs.

🔸Use mint leaves and put them near the bed to eliminate bugs stuck in it, or burn neem leaves near the place where bugs are found, or it can be used as incense.

🔸Use cleaning tools such as chlorine, and perfumes and kerosene can also be used by placing a cotton ball or a piece of cloth near the beds or washing the bed linen with chlorine.

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