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What are the causes of the emergence of bugs

What are the causes of the emergence of bugs

What are the causes of the emergence of bugs

Types of bugs and the reasons for their appearance

There are approximately 75 different types of bugs, the most common of which are the following:

Bugs in the kitchen or storage bugs

Kitchen bugs, or as storage bugs are called, attack foods that are kept inside kitchen cabinets and shelves, such as flour, and bugs may live between sugar grains or between candy chips and different grains, and the reason for this type of bugs infiltrating different foods is due to the presence of openings or holes. It is almost seen in the cans that are purchased from different stores, and throughout the period in which foodstuffs are stored, such as flour, rice or other grains, it contributes to the emergence of kitchen bugs, and keeping food items in an open manner and in open packages may cause the emergence of kitchen bugs.

bed bugs

Bug bed which bugs types that attacks the human after the adoption of the mattress and the bed housing to him, Contrary to the beliefs prevailing on the appearance of an insect bed bugs in places where the soiled is clean in homes or hotels, where no appearance of bugs relationship in spite of the environment Anarchism is a fertile place to host bedbugs, [4] However, the cause of the appearance of bugs is a reverse response to the resistance of various insecticides when they are used, in addition to increasing the chance of bugs growth due to people moving from one place to another such as travel, where the bugs infiltrate from places that attract Large numbers of human gatherings such as hospitals, hotels or camps to invade other places, and although there is no evidence of its contribution to the transmission of health diseases, the spread of bed bugs inflicts economic damage in society.And health damage that reflects on the individual by itching and fear of spreading diseases.

Ways to get rid of bedbugs

Ways to get rid of kitchen bugs

You can get rid of kitchen bugs by following these instructions:

🔸Empty all the contents of the storage containers that contain foods such as grains and flour, and check them well to ensure that they are free of bugs, and get rid of all food infected with bugs, and all open containers must be discarded because they are a fertile environment for bed bugs.

🔸Emptying all kitchen cabinets and shelves, to facilitate the task of removing bugs and their eggs, by using a vacuum cleaner, focusing on the corners, cracks and holes.

🔸Wash the shelves of kitchen cabinets with a solution of lukewarm water and soap with the help of a clean cloth or sponge, taking care to clean the narrow places to get rid of bugs and their eggs completely.

🔸Wash all storage containers used for storing food using soap and water as well.

🔸Disinfect cabinets and shelves with a solution of equal amounts of water and white vinegar.

Ways to get rid of bed bugs

🔸Cleaning the house: It is necessary to clean the house and its belongings as a first step to get rid of bugs, by following the following steps:

🔸Wash curtains, clothes, and bedding with high temperature water, then dry them well on the highest drying temperature.

🔸Items that cannot be washed, such as shoes, can be cleaned by placing them in the dryer without washing them for a period of half an hour.

🔸Cleaning the bed with a hard brush to get rid of bed bugs.

🔸Clean the bedding and the area around it with a vacuum cleaner, then and after that the dirt of the vacuum cleaner is disposed of by emptying it into a plastic bag that is placed in the air.

🔸Getting rid of the bedding that the bugs invade in the event that it is out of control and replacing it with a new bed, after getting rid of the bugs completely from the house so that they do not spread again.

Natural methods :

You can get rid of bedbugs by following one of the following natural methods :

Essential oils :

such as lavender, mint, rosemary, or eucalyptus, in one of the following ways:

Rub the edges of the bed with one of the previous oils.

Spray household items, such as bedding and carpets, with a solution consisting of several drops of essential oil with half a cup of water.

Wash the bed, then wash it again after putting an amount of essential oil in the washing machine.

Dry aromatic herbs : Distribute 8-10 sheets between the bed box, the mattress and the bed drawers, where the scent of dried herbs helps get rid of bugs, especially if they smell lavender.

Dry or fresh herbs : put several bundles of fresh or dried mint, rosemary, lavender and eucalyptus in your wardrobe.

Garlic : Mix an amount of garlic with mineral oils, water and chemical-free soap, then put the ingredients in a spray bottle and use it to get rid of bugs.

Onions : Put an onion, after cutting it, in a volume of water, to attract bugs and get rid of them.

Hot pepper : Mix three spoons of hot pepper with 3.7854 liters of water, then put the mixture under a quiet temperature for a quarter of an hour, then leave the mixture to soak for a whole day, then mix with several drops of dishwashing liquid and use it to kill bugs.

Rice flakes : are placed in places where the presence of bugs to get rid of it in a final.

Tips for preventing bugs

There are many tips for preventing bugs, including:

It is recommended that you avoid leaving any debris on the floor, such as papers, magazines or clothes.

Regularly clean household items such as furniture, carpets, curtains and bedding. Close cracks and holes around windows, electrical sources, etc. to prevent bugs from escaping.

Ensure that the hotel room is free of bugs, to avoid transferring bugs after returning from travel.

Putting plastic containers containing soap and water under the four legs of the bed, to prevent bed bugs from reaching the bed, by flooding it with these containers when trying to infiltrate.

Covering the bedding and pillows with sticky sheets that do not contain spaces to prevent the bugs from reaching.

Avoid storing clothes under the bed.

Clean shelves and floors as soon as they are dirty, using soapy water.

Ensure that all food containers are handled and free of holes.

It is recommended to buy a small quantity of foodstuffs such as flour, rice and grains, which are sufficient for use in a period of 2-4 months, in order to reduce the chance of attacking the bugs.

Use airtight containers to store food.

Distribute a handful of bay leaves in the kitchen cabinets and between food packages, lest the bugs appear.

Cleaning kitchen cabinets periodically, every 3-6 months.

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